learning to create a dll MQ style

Is there a link or source that does a walk through on creating dll's or library's? I foun d one once here that does a great job, but I cannot fin d it now an d I am in nee d of it. I have been searching for days an d still cannot fin d it.
LEHayes wrote >>
Is there a link or source that does a walk through on creating dll's or library's? I foun d one once here that does a great job, but I cannot fin d it now an d I am in nee d of it. I have been searching for days an d still cannot fin d it.

There is a sample in the experts\samples folder of you MT install.

Is there a link or source that does a walk through on creating dll's or library's?

It partly depends whether you need a walkthrough on the C/C++ language, or whether you have that knowledge already and just need a walkthrough on creating DLLs (though the latter seems unlikely unless your background is C/C++ purely in a Linux environment).


Not on C++, the other. Somewhere on this site, I have found it before, there is a walk through that shows you how to setup your MQ dll, creation of the header file, dll file, etc.

The idea pf finding an example of ot on my installation was not there either. The only sample there is an include file.


Not on C++, the other. [...]

If you're okay on C++, then there are only really two fundamental things which need covering: functions in a DLL need to be declared as stdcall in order to be usable from MT4, and the functions need to be exported. In Visual Studio you do the latter by listing the functions in a simple textual .def file - see the ExpertSample.def which Metaquotes include in the experts\samples\DLLSample directory. If you're already okay on C++ that should pretty much be the only extra information you need. Apart from quirks of MQL, such as the fact that values passed by reference to a DLL need to be passed as arrays.

Is there a link or source that does a walk through on creating dll's or library's? I foun d one once here that does a great job, but I cannot fin d it now an d I am in nee d of it. I have been searching for days an d still cannot fin d it.

Hi Larry,

Still some ‘fine tuning’ to do it would appear from this posting. Good luck with it and 'keep on keeping on', you’re in the home stretch! (< 8)

