MQL5 - Differences between trade positions in MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5


I don't fully understand the position system in new MetaTrader 5. If you see my picture, so I can take profit from both (BUY and SELL) possitions. But in MQL5 it is not possible. Am I right? How can I solve this situation?


MetaTrader 5 Trading System:


I don't fully understand the position system in new MetaTrader 5. If you see my picture, so I can take profit from both (BUY and SELL) possitions. But in MQL5 it is not possible. Am I right? How can I solve this situation?


MetaTrader 5 Trading System:

Yes, that is why MT5 has NO support from many hedge is allowed.....What you have been doing in MT4 can not be done in MT5

i think maybe MT5 can provider international version and USA version,the first one which supports hedge features,and the second one is the current version.
shawnyau wrote >>
i think maybe MT5 can provider international version and USA version,the first one which supports hedge features,and the second one is the current version.

You must speak to Rosh, Lenar, Stringo and Stanislav Starikov ...these are the people responsible for deciding on this terrible limitation... I hope they understand soon as they are going to lose many very dedicated supporters if this short coming is not corrected....MT5's trading restrictions/limitation will certainly encourage other platforms to be introduced by other vendors that will compete directly with Metaquotes.... I think traders will find a way.... but that way may not be with Metaquotes...very sad...



I have had contact with the owner of a company that has products for MT4/MQL4. He informed me that in order to utilize MQL5 the brokers will have to buy new servers from MQ ONLY in order to run MQL5 servers! From which I feel he has quite correctly come to the conclusion that MQL5 will be VERY slow to be utilized in the ForEx marketplace or perhaps will even totally fail. Especially when all the other limitations and problems that MQL5 has are factored in as well.


A way for Metaquotes is offer options how to handle orders on MT5 then peoples can select what they like.

Yes song song.....this is the only way for MT5 to succeed. It is currently headed for certain failure with many FX traders not able to use it to trade their strategy of today. Why would any FX trader switch to MT5 if doing so won't allow them to make as much or more money trading currency?? Answer...they won't... Nobody wants to make less money.

I don't fully understand the position system in new MetaTrader 5. If you see my picture, so I can take profit from both (BUY and SELL) possitions. But in MQL5 it is not possible. Am I right? How can I solve this situation?


MetaTrader 5 Trading System:

Hi rotr

I'd like to forget the futile debate over hedging and answer your question.

In your example of the "Position System in MQL5", remember that the "TP for Buy" is a Sell and the "TP for Sell" is a Buy. Now your example goes like this:

Sell 1 Lot gives position 1 Lot short.

Buy 1 Lot leaves no position, i.e. 0 Lots.

"TP for Buy" is a Sell giving position 1 Lot short.

"TP for Sell" is a Buy leaving no position (0 Lots) and the profit is the move from the "TP for Buy" line down to the "TP for Sell" line.

In other words, the profit is exactly the same.



Jellybean... clearly it is NOT the same.... That's the PROBLEM !!!!!!!!! We can ALL see that...He's asking how to get around it and how to make the same amount of profit as in MT4.

In the MT4 example we first enter a 1 lot Sell, then a 1 lot Buy...then the 1 lot Buy closes for a profit....and then the 1 lot Sell closes at a profit...For a total of two orders closed a a nice profit....

In the MT5 example the profit is ZERO....NADA..... ZILCH.... NON EXISTENT Totally a waste of time....we didn't make a penny!!!!!!!!!!!


Hi rotr

I'd like to forget the futile debate over hedging and answer your question.

In your example of the "Position System in MQL5", remember that the "TP for Buy" is a Sell and the "TP for Sell" is a Buy. Now your example goes like this:

Sell 1 Lot gives position 1 Lot short.

Buy 1 Lot leaves no position, i.e. 0 Lots.

"TP for Buy" is a Sell giving position 1 Lot short.

"TP for Sell" is a Buy leaving no position (0 Lots) and the profit is the move from the "TP for Buy" line down to the "TP for Sell" line.

In other words, the profit is exactly the same.



You are correct, the profit is exactly the same, however trade management is much more complicated. Just imagine that the buy side is managed by an EA and sell side by another EA. Now, how do they know what to do when there is 0 on table? In MT4 this was a piece of cake with magic numbers, now you will need perhaps the whole trade management machine on the terminal side. Long live programmers!


You are correct, the profit is exactly the same, however trade management is much more complicated. Just imagine that the buy side is managed by an EA and sell side by another EA. Now, how do they know what to do when there is 0 on table? In MT4 this was a piece of cake with magic numbers, now you will need perhaps the whole trade management machine on the terminal side. Long live programmers!

As far I can see, EAs will have to keep track of their historic filled orders, and calculate their own private positions. It's going to create a distinction (and cause a lot of confusion) between EAs which are and aren't compatible with other EAs trading the same symbol - i.e. EAs which only look at the overall MT4 position rather than calculating their own position. It remains possible to hedge in one sense - having an EA place orders in opposite directions, and keeping track of its own net position - but not in the sense of carrying an unbooked loss.