How to use two-dimensional array as buffer in SetIndexBuffer() of MQL5?


I want to show a lot of MA in a indicator.
So, if I can use two-dimensional array as buffer, It will briefly written form of circulation.

Like this:

   for(int i=0; i<96; i++)

How to do it?

ma96.mq5  5 kb
noncirculation form is OK
ma16.mq5  10 kb
Um, may I do it with class...
Like this.
class CIndicatorBuffer
   int mhandle;
   double mbuffer[];
bool  mArraySetAsSeries(bool set)
{return ArraySetAsSeries(mbuffer, set);}
bool  mSetIndexBuffer(int index, ENUM_INDEXBUFFER_TYPE data_type)
{return SetIndexBuffer(index, mbuffer, data_type);}
bool  mPlotIndexSetInteger(int plot_index, ENUM_PLOT_PROPERTY_INTEGER prop_id, int prop_value)
{return PlotIndexSetInteger(plot_index, prop_id, prop_value);}
bool  mPlotIndexSetString(int plot_index, ENUM_PLOT_PROPERTY_STRING prop_id, string prop_value)
{return PlotIndexSetString(plot_index, prop_id, prop_value);}
int  mCopyBuffer(int count)
{return CopyBuffer(mhandle, 0, 0, count, mbuffer);}
CIndicatorBuffer MAA[iNum];
It can be compiled.
0 error(s), 0 warning(s),
but, 0 indicator(s).
Help me! Also for you!

It seems the error occur when call CopyBuffer().

Returned Value is -1.

first call iMA() in a loop, return 10; later call, return 0. why?

memory leak?

It's terrible.

My MT5 can not open.

Restart windows.


It's OK, just move Param into CIndicatorBuffer as a member.

But why? array member cannot be a ma_period of iMA?

No, I has tested, iMA(NULL,0,Param[i],shift,smootMode,price) is OK.

It's strange.

ma96_ok_.mq5  8 kb

a pic

It's OVER.


I'm still not sure why it didn't work the first time for you. I noticed on the non-working one, you called the ArraySetAsSeries before SetIndexBuffer, then on the working one, you called it after. Think that was the bug?