MQL4 is so ugly


and MQL5 doesn't look much better.

sorry to say that - i'm usually not a complainer.

it's probably never gonna happen but i'll make a proposal anyways: just embed python / make a python API / bindings instead of continuing this MQL crap. python's license allows it.

continuing MQL is just a waste of time and spoils people's potentially beautiful sundays (like the one today).



I take it you're a Pyton 'fanatic'...Just learn MQL4 and you'll find its actually quite good at what its supposed to do...

MQL5 with its OOP structure is surely gonna be even better.

 In the beginning its always hard to adapt and learn a new language, you're basically stuck and can't do even the simplest things.

I face the same every time I have to learn a new language, be it MQL4, a new BASIC, Delphi, C++, or embedded / MPU assembly languages... its just the nature of the beast


I take it you're a Pyton 'fanatic'...Just learn MQL4 and you'll find its actually quite good at what its supposed to do...

MQL5 with its OOP structure is surely gonna be even better.

 In the beginning its always hard to adapt and learn a new language, you're basically stuck and can't do even the simplest things.

I face the same every time I have to learn a new language, be it MQL4, a new BASIC, Delphi, C++, or embedded / MPU assembly languages... its just the nature of the beast

I'm not a fanatic. I always use the language that's best suited for my needs. In case of trading it's unfortunately MQL4.

I just mentioned python because it's license allows it to be embedded in closed source apps.




I’m not sure what ‘Python’ is but another option is to utilize MS’s Excel Spread Sheets/Books. There is already a significant amount of programming code, interfaces etc to facilitate this.

I'm a newbie to both the ForEx and MQL programming. Frankly I am not very impressed with the MQL programming language either. It hardly qualifies as a ‘high level’ programming language’’ It’s more like a DOS command line interface/interpreter from over 30 years ago that fails and falls flat on its face if you don’t use the EXACT coding with things like leaving out or putting in a punctuation mark, or the wrong one, or in the wrong place; or don’t use a Capital letter and use lower case instead. Duh!

There is a very good reason why we have GUIs now. I’m not impressed by what I have heard about MQL5 so far either, but at least it is supposed to be ‘object oriented’.


Getting the syntax correct is something I've had to do in every programming language I've ever used. And that includes MS VBA in Excel.

Syntax is consistent, deterministic and really takes less effort to learn once than to repeatedly bitch and moan about it.

If we want the compiler to guess what we REALLY meant then perhaps we should go the whole way and replace binary with trinary (on/off/maybe).



cloudbreaker, just out of curiosity, do you have a PPL ?
cloudbreaker, just out of curiosity, do you have a PPL ?

Commercial Licence. Couldn't do it for a living with just a PPL.



Interesting. ONE DAY, if I ever get 'rich' in forex, I'll get that PPL! 

At the local club they said expect about 2.5 years and 50 flying hours (roughly $12000).

Did all the single engine / VFR PPL-A theory many years ago but couldn't afford the flying.

Will have do do it all over again.

But One Day...!  :-)

cloudbreaker wrote >>

Getting the syntax correct is something I've had to do in every programming language I've ever used. And that includes MS VBA in Excel.

Syntax is consistent, deterministic and really takes less effort to learn once than to repeatedly bitch and moan about it.

If we want the compiler to guess what we REALLY meant then perhaps we should go the whole way and replace binary with trinary (on/off/maybe).



Yep, EVERY programming language has rules and forms and structure that msut be correct in order for it to work.