Which of the following winning strategies would you prefer(select multiple) - page 2

Dont yap if you cant and this is what i was talking about, moderators acting like pro traders arguing all over due to moderator powers while they cant show their trading.
Please show one single example where I have stated/implied/suggested I am a "pro trader" ?
I gave my preference on a good strategy then you "attacked" my comment instead of giving your preference.
I gave my preference on a good strategy then you "attacked" my comment instead of giving your preference.

I didn't attack anything,  I explained why some of the options are poor methods of determining what is a winning strategy. I can't give my preference because it isn't a listed option.

My preference would be a Strategy that has a Win Rate higher than the break even WR determined by looking at the Risk:Reward ratio,  how much higher ?  well this would depend on my requirement for ROI,  how many currency pairs the strategy could run on and how many trades were likely to be placed each week. 

This shows the relationship between WR and R:R for a "coin toss" type strategy . . .  by "coin toss" type I mean a strategy that does not seek to predict the next movement of the market and is random in nature.  


This is the data used to produced this chart,  it comes from by my latest "coin toss" type EA with zero spread,  it comprises some 1.2 million trades in total executed in the Strategy Tester. 



So if I had a WR of 50% and a Risk:Reward of 0.5  ( reward is twice the risk )  I would have a very profitable strategy.  Conversely if I had a WR of 90% and a Risk:Reward of 10 ( risk is 10 times the reward )  I would have a losing strategy. 

Dont do forex "coin toss" style my friend.
Dont do forex "coin toss" style my friend.
How else would you investigate the relationship between Win Rate and R:R ?
How else would you investigate the relationship between Win Rate and R:R ?
So in your opinion its win rate that matters most? In my opinion any profitable strategy is good as long as the funds can be trusted with it in the long run thats why i said all of the above except a big win and high risk strategy.
So in your opinion its win rate that matters most? In my opinion any profitable strategy is good as long as the funds can be trusted with it in the long run thats why i said all of the above except a big win and high risk strategy.

I wish you would read what I actually write,  I spend the time trying to explain myself,  the least you could do is read it properly and try and understand, then if you want to tell me I'm wrong or mistaken or a fool then OK,  but don't try and do it without reading and understanding what I have written . . .  please.  


My preference would be a Strategy that has a Win Rate higher than the break even WR determined by looking at the Risk:Reward ratio,  how much higher ?  well this would depend on my requirement for ROI,  how many currency pairs the strategy could run on and how many trades were likely to be placed each week. 

 So no, not just Win Rate,  what is important is the WR and  R:R  combination for the strategy concerned.  Find the Break Even WR needed for the strategy from the chart above then see if it's actual WR is higher than the BE WR,  if it isn't appreciably higher then the strategy is no better than a coin toss.

I read what you write but english isnt my first language so when explaining use simple english. Sometimes you use terminologies that one might not immediately understand. e.g. instead of WR + R:R divided by coin toss you can simply say profit, loss etc
also provide proof that your way is better because you are disagreeing with other people's preferences this is whx i had asked that anyone with adviser level powers to include their trading in signals so that the advice can be weighed
I read what you write but english isnt my first language so when explaining use simple english. Sometimes you use terminologies that one might not immediately understand. e.g. instead of WR + R:R divided by coin toss you can simply say profit, loss etc
OK, fair enough,  point taken,  I will try harder in future