What does the acronym TSR stand for?


The subject describes it: I’m trying to find the meaning of the acronym TSR but have been unable to do so as of yet,



What subject? In software speak it means Terminate and Stay Resident. What it is saying is a subroutine or task will be loaded in to memory to execute on the current parameters then it will go idle but remain in memory so it will be quicker to execute next time. It makes things quicker but at the expense of holding on to memory.

"Terminate and Stay Resident" - the way resident programs on PCs are finished.
"Terminate and Stay Resident" - the way resident programs on PCs are finished.

In context, "Total Shareholder Return" is a little more likely...


Typical Search-engine Disuse?

PS: Trend Slope Retracement is what I think you are looking for.



PS: Trend Slope Retracement is what I think you are looking for.

Hmmm. I'd never heard of "Trend Slope Retracement". That seems to be because it's a term invented by the author of one particular EA.


Hmmm. I'd never heard of "Trend Slope Retracement". That seems to be because it's a term invented by the author of one particular EA.

Thought I'd seen a post from DougRH4x regarding FXigor, but may be losing the plot.



Thanks everyone,

Having been around computers for a long time I am familiar with the ‘Terminate and Stay Resident’ reference as many programs initiate them and they can end up bogging a computer down to the point where it is useless for no apparent reason if one isn’t aware of them. I only allow about a ¼ of what programs try to initiated TSRs to run. Though frankly it didn't even occur to me in this context as it is in reference to: https://forum.mql4.com/12100’: An EA Based on the Crossing of i-lrl-2Color and TSR. A search of MQL4.Com for TSR brought up this but not much more. Thus I don’t think that it is ‘Total Shareholder Return’ either.

Good one CB, I’ll be interested to see what you come up with to thwart these nefarious activities. (< 8)

Likewise thanks for the info on the ‘Trend Slope Retracement’ I’ll look into it. I assume that this is a MQL4 function. Do you know if it is ‘absolute’ in the sense that it will return the actual slope accurately regardless of the scaling of the chart or the aspect ratio of the monitor? If not, then I would need to know that info and recalculate the absolute correct angle from it. This would significantly increase the load on the computer which I already have concerns about without having to compensate for these ‘error inducing factors’. Though I suppose I would only have to calculate it once for each chart and then use this factor to correct it. The downfall of this approach is that I would think that the ‘scaling’ of charts changes dynamically to suit the current existing conditions. I’m not concerned about the slope appearing correctly in a chart, but want the correct value to utilize in further calculations, functions, operations and conclusions.

One thought I had on this was that if I was unable to find a function to do this was to use a moving average indicator with a time period of 1, no offset, a simple curve with the closing value. This exactly follows the ‘Line’ in the ‘Line’ chart mode. But this approach would also suffer from the error inducing factors of chart scaling and monitor aspect ratio. Though I would like to use the ‘tick by tick’ time frame this approach may put too much of a load on the computer and bog it down to the point where it is useless, especially as I want to use it on 15 or 20 charts simultaneously.


Thought I'd seen a post from DougRH4x regarding FXigor, but may be losing the plot.

In my search of MQL4 on this subject, I found one where either Phy I believe it was who has over 1200 postings so trying to find it again by that route is a formidable task. It might have been NakedBear. I hope he has grown at least some fur for winter (< 8) But I don’t think it was him. Whoever it was they posted a short bit of code in response to a similar question but I am unable to find it again.

As I said in my initial posting on this subject that I strongly suspect that as it is one of three possibilities for chart illustration, that there must be a constant streaming data flow from the brokers, which is then calculated by MT to write to the chart in the mode that the user selects. Thus this functionality must be part of the MT4 client code. The question is what that streaming data flow is and how to access it as directly as possible and utilize it.


Hi CloudBreaker,

I found the articles on the wWw about ‘Trend Slope Retracement’ by FxIgor and I agree with you that is probably what the reference to TSR == https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/121566 was that I found in my search for ‘How to calculate the absolute angle of the 'Line' Chart both in real time and for previous points and ranges in the chart ? == https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/121563 .

I erroneously made that assumption that the info you gave me on TSR was for the calculation of the absolute angle.

Ah communication at its finest LoL I’m guilty of making that incorrect assumption, and I’m sure we all know the clique about making assumptions. Well I got caught out by it.

Thanks for the info and TTFN (TaTa for Now (< 8)


jjc wrote >>

Hmmm. I'd never heard of "Trend Slope Retracement". That seems to be because it's a term invented by the author of one particular EA.


Trend Slope Retracement == http://www.forexfactory.com/showthread.php?s=73132c7e51cc263b83e364a73cad83a2&t=11768