Beta Testing of MetaTrader 5 Has Started! - page 36


ability to show midpoint (middle point of a session) of the charts (bar charts and candles) to the Show tab in the Chart Properties window. we have open, close, high, low and there should be the midpoint . i think metatrader misses this feature .


Stop Loss Price Picker and Take Profit Price Picker tools

Let me explain what the heck i speculated. When we place orders (if we use stopp loss and take profit) before or after placing orders we measure the stop loss and take profit prices and then we write this prices to the take profit or stop loss textboxes. I think that there should be the tools that will do it for us only with one click. Let me explain how. This tools (buttons) will be in the New Order window. The stop loss price picker tool will be near the stop loss textbox and the take profit price picker tool will be near the take profit textbox. This tool may be something like the Chrosshair tool. When we will click on this button the tool is activated and now we have the Chrosshair like tool showing us the line and the price while we move cursor. And next time only by clicking at the point in the chart where we what to place our stop loss or take profit orders the price in that point are copied and pasted to the stop loss or take profit textbox. And then the tool is deactiveted. We can do it before or after placing the orders. We can have this buttons anywhere we have stopp loss and take proft texbox.

Sound very useful, doesnt it? :-D



Great Work on the software so far.

I have one oberservation, the pitchfork tool shifts and the lines become displaced as you move between the time frames.



wian wrote >>


Great Work on the software so far.

I have one oberservation, the pitchfork tool shifts and the lines become displaced as you move between the time frames.



It would be great if there was a feature that enabled the user to adjust the properties to control the thickness on the lines making up the bar / candle sticks as well as line charts.



ability to customize period of the Period Separator

Sorry if this has been previously answered.

In MetaTrader5, I want to do two different orders on the same currency with different take profits, same stop loss.

So for example, I enter the 1st order with volume of 1.00, stop loss 1.3600, take profit 1.3500. Gets executed and everything is fine.

I enter the second order with a volumne of 1.00, stop loss 1.3600, take profit 1.3450. Order gets executed.

Now I show 1 order, Volume 2.00, stop loss 1.3600 and take profit 1.3450, the 1st order TP was erased!

I should be able to do this. It is not violating NFA rules. If I had not SL or TP and just did a market order for volume of 2.00, I should be able to take off 1.00 at any price and the next lot at a different price.

Is there a way to do this that is just not obvious to me?

Thanks for your help.

Ed Montero


Meta Editor 5 (Build 249) always shows a "EX5 write error" after compiling in the error description toolbox.

OS: Windows 7 Professional 64 bit.

The folder permissions are set to full control for everyone.

However MT4 is working on my system.

I installed MT5 under XP Mode with success as a workaround now.

Any suggestions?


Hello.Some people work with the scalefix option activated. New features are great, thank you.

Here's a video with 2 problems about this option.

Also i think the "lock menu" option is nice; and was in the firsts betas.


Is there a change log / version history for the betas?

Can you already tell about when the debugging feature for indicators will be enabled?

fifthfloor wrote >>

>> Is there a change log / version history for the betas?

You're looking at the wrong forum, see, in particular

>> Can you already tell about when the debugging feature for indicators will be enabled?

Haven't seen anything
