Beta Testing of MetaTrader 5 Has Started! - page 17

stringo wrote >>

We won't be data sponsors for third party programs.

If you need for DDE-server you can do it with MQL5. Ask your programmer

Alrighty then.

et al,

I'm going to try to figure this out. If I do, I'll post it here. If someone beats me to it, post it.

I think it is very useful to objects having snapping features. Snapping to bars, grid, and objects...
fxt wrote >>
I think it is very useful to objects having snapping features. Snapping to bars, grid, and objects...

May be. But I don't know what is "snapping feature". Sorry...

nondisclosure wrote >>

Alrighty then.

et al,

I'm going to try to figure this out. If I do, I'll post it here. If someone beats me to it, post it.

There was problem to separate DDE flows from different MT4 terminals, they all were signed as "MT". Solution was implemented as DLL attached to EA. Try to find it


I can't seem to make OrderGetString work!

It's fine with OrderGetString(ORDER_SYMBOL) - well, it will compile! I want to get the ORDER_TYPE - I'm trying OrderGetString(ORDER_TYPE) and the code won't compile. Also the compiler doesn't seem to know what ORDER_TYPE is - auto complete does not work (whereas it will for ORDER_SYMBOL).

Any ideas?

.... edit... should be using OrderGetInteger... not too clear from translated help!



I tried to install MT5 under Visa, it installed and updated and then crashed with this screen

There is no email address to send this to, so I'm putting it here and hope it will find its way to the right place.

Anyone else connected to the server but not getting any new quotes?

Today's log is here.I can not login server. something trouble? ->Build 206 is OK now.


Me too....


10 long time ago, can not login.



Here are some more includes. Fai did most of the research for them already, so it was easy. The datetime stuff seems to be dependent on being logged on to the server. TimeCurrent() specifically, which affects some other functions.

Also, the updated versions of the other includes will be placed here.