Beta Testing of MetaTrader 5 Has Started! - page 8

soulsurfer wrote >>

Herewith the cause of my problem:

Compiles without error, but no ticks!


OnTick() Function must be defined with the type void.


OnTick() Function must be defined with the type void.

So it seems. Unfortunately that means

#define start OnTick

compiles OK but doesn't work terribly well at the end of the day.



I can't save this dialog data. Bug ? or Not implemented yet ?

Please, try to fill all fields and press Test. If test message queued successfull, press OK. Dialog data should be saved.



My MailServer use POPbeforeSMTP only.

SMTP-Auth is not working. ;-(



My MailServer use POPbeforeSMTP only.

SMTP-Auth is not working. ;-(

Could you tell your mail server address, we will check it?



But,it's off-topic.

I am owner of my mail server.I'm too lazy to change the server settings........


Wish about chart scaleability

Make charts scaleable even when i select a tool. Vertical and horizontal scale not works when i select a tool and try to scale chart. Select one of the tools and try to scale the charts

Using elliott wave tool i needed to scale chart but i can't. it would be good to have them scaleable even when i select a tool.



But,it's off-topic.

I am owner of my mail server.I'm too lazy to change the server settings........

ok. As far, as I understand, the main issue(dialog settings are not saved) resolved.


void OnTick()


Ability to show trenline names in chart window. an unckecked checkbox - "Show names in window" parameter in Trenline Properties