Need help on getting the value of indicator


Hi everyone. Can somebody help me on this?

Here is the one of the good indicator JoeChalhoub's forecaster, I need to find in which arrays index those two histograms last bar values are stored. As I figured out, the pink histogram's values are stored in MA1Buffer[], and the last histogram bar's index is [Bars-MA1period], and the black one (the another one, maybe different color) is stored MA2buffer[] and the last histogram bar's index is [MA1period-2]. But I am still not sure about it, I don't know even why. During the currency oscillation, the last values of histogram changes it also makes more confused. Please somebody help to get the last bars indexes and if possible explain why this is.

Thank you


I suggest you don't waste any time on this one. MACD will give you the same thing.

From the different coding styles in different chunks of the code, this did not belong to one author, but he saw fit to put his name against it without acknowledging the original authors.

No, I have an idea with using this indicator,but not only using this one. I don't care who is the author is. Thus, please somebody just help me