MetaTrader 5 Trading System - page 6


In the article on it I believe that they said that it had done this in most of Africa and parts of Asia, Europe and Russia / former USSR regions already. They are expecting it to do the same next summer to pretty well all of the grain crops completely in ALL of the areas that I mentioned above. The following year they expect it to do the same for all of the Americas: both north and south.

Is this an online article? link please.


Thanks Economist,

The correlation algorithm seemed to me to be rather flimsy and on thin ice as well.

I appreciate your advice. As I said, I was unaware that Options in the ForEx market even existed. I’m not sure what you mean by ‘latency’ in this context though? I’d like to take a look at them and perhaps give them a go. The question I have is how to find Brokers or whoever deals in Options for the ForEx though?

Years ago when I was checking out Futures and Commodities and found out about the Options available for them, I’m not sure why any (private investor) wouldn’t keep strictly to Options as opposed to speculating on the futures markets directly. The difference in the risk (& reward ?) between them is VERY significant. When explaining these things to others, (with my very limited knowledge in these sorts of things this is rather like the ‘blind leading the blind’ (< 8) I would tell them that Options on the Futures market is basically like having ‘insurance’ on a futures trade, which I think is a valid analogy.

If you are into the futures market you may be interested to know that there is a rust, fungus, mold or whatever that attacks the stem of grain crops and is destroying 90% of the yield. In the article on it I believe that they said that it had done this in most of Africa and parts of Asia, Europe and Russia / former USSR regions already. They are expecting it to do the same next summer to pretty well all of the grain crops completely in ALL of the areas that I mentioned above. The following year they expect it to do the same for all of the Americas: both north and south. I was telling my eldest son about this and that a loaf of bread would likely be $25 in a couple of years time. When he (understandably) expressed disbelief about this I said that he was probably right: it would be more like $500 a loaf!

You may be aware of a similar situation that happened in the 1970s in the SW parts of USA to the corn crops. They had reduced the biodiversity to only 6 varieties of corn and none of them had any resistance to whatever was wiping the corn crops out. They had to do an emergency crash cross breeding program which all tolled ended up costing in the billions of USD. Of course this was well before the advent of the sort of genetics that we have available now.

Related to this topic is the plant version of Noah’s Ark that scientists have built and are stocking it with as many types of seeds that currently (still) exist in our world that they can. I believe that this vault is in the high northern arctic of Norway and is buried deep into the permafrost.


Have a better one (< 8)

Yeah DoughRH4x, I get what you mean, it looks flimsy to me too: whatever will be done there, will need hard work.

For the options : my (russian) broker, Broco, told me that the MT5 beta will be gradually updated with new stuff, like CFDs and OPTIONS. Now, they already have a lot of CFDs available that cover a lot of futures, commodities and equities. But options couldn't ever be available on MT4, however they are announced on MT5 and I'm sure they will be available for real trading. Being in the US, I suggest that you find a broker that is mostly a futures & options broker, having fx as a secondary domain. These brokers will most likely be eager to implement MT5 as a futures & options platform, overcoming the cracks in Ninja Trader, Strategy Runner and RAN Order. However, it will be impossible to hedge fx normally with options, because fx trade in a separate account. Even if they allow hedging between accounts, margin calculus per each of the accounts will be confusing, and communication will be done between platforms via dll...

P.S. Corn monthly chart looks very much like a head-and-shoulders. Now it's at the level of late 2006 and seems going down... Still some people bet on the end of the civilization .

circlesquares wrote >>

Is this an online article? link please.

Here are the most likely sources in descending order:

I believe it was in one of these (recent) periodical magazines: Scientific American or Popular Science (which more accurately should now be called ‘Popular Technology’) They both have web sites.

The other possibility is on the 'Daily Planet' TV series on the Discovery Channel, they also have a web site: Discovery.CA


Thanks. I found an article here:

TheEconomist wrote >>

Yeah DoughRH4x, I get what you mean, it looks flimsy to me too: whatever will be done there, will need hard work.

For the options : my (russian) broker, Broco, told me that the MT5 beta will be gradually updated with new stuff, like CFDs and OPTIONS. Now, they already have a lot of CFDs available that cover a lot of futures, commodities and equities. But options couldn't ever be available on MT4, however they are announced on MT5 and I'm sure they will be available for real trading. Being in the US, I suggest that you find a broker that is mostly a futures & options broker, having fx as a secondary domain. These brokers will most likely be eager to implement MT5 as a futures & options platform, overcoming the cracks in Ninja Trader, Strategy Runner and RAN Order. However, it will be impossible to hedge fx normally with options, because fx trade in a separate account. Even if they allow hedging between accounts, margin calculus per each of the accounts will be confusing, and communication will be done between platforms via dll...

(8 >) CFD = Computational Fluid Dynamics (< 8)

P.S. Corn monthly chart looks very much like a head-and-shoulders. Now it's at the level of late 2006 and seems going down... Still some people bet on the end of the civilization .

I am in western Canada eh and don't use a US broker.

Many brokers offer web browser based clients as well, though I don't want to utilize that method unless I have to. At this point in time I would only be interested in Options on the ForEx anyway.


Re: The end of civilization: The period that the dinosaurs died off along with 90% of all living things on our home planet was over a period of ~ 250,000 years. Scientists say that this was so rapid that it was revolution and not evolution. Regardless of if you take it as being ~10,000 years ago with the advent of farming and the resulting ability to remain and live in one place or a couple of centuries ago with the industrial revolution, it IS now happening at a rate that makes that period look like 'The Garden of Eden' compared to what we have done and continue to do to the only home we have. It is doubtful that we would even be shown on a Geological or Cosmological TimeLine except as perhaps a spectacular example of the havoc and destruction we brought forth and how NOT to do it. As Carl Sagan stated: 'It is likely that 1/3 to 2/3 of the species that become self aware and sentient and unlock the secrets of nature don't survive it either from poisoning the entire planet as we have done, or with the weapons that they make [like us as well though fortunately they have never been used except for the 2 nukes that the US dropped on Japan] or both'.


FYI: All of the initial nukes were Fission bombs but later they developed the so called 'Hydrogen' Fusion bombs. Fission splits apart heavier elements & isotopes into lighter ones along with the release of massive amounts of energy. Fusion ‘fuses’ lighter elements and isotopes together into heavier ones along with orders of magnitude more energy being released than Fission reactions and bombs do. All current nuclear power plants utilize inefficient and very dangerous fission reactions which includes the storage of very dangerous radioactive waste that has to be stored for VERY long periods that are unrealistic for us to do so safely. They could and should be disposed of by building huge, deep metal lined wells that are ‘Air Cannons’ and fire this material into the Sun once a day in modified 45 gallon drums. Scientists have been working on harnessing fusion reactions for power in one way or another for close to a century now. This is because once achieved; there will be virtually limitless amounts of clean, safe energy. It is only relatively (thanks Albert (< 8) recently that scientists have managed to create a controlled fusion reaction that gave off (slightly) more power than it took to initiate it. Also for the first time ever, there is a nuclear fission based power plant in the developmental stage that actually IS SAFE and uses over 95% of the available energy in that is available in the fuel as compared to the less than 5% efficiency of all current nuclear power plants. Also it is impossible to utilize the radioactive fuel from this new type to build weapons with. There is very little radioactive fuel left over and what there is only has to be stored for ~ 500 years. Almost all energy in our universe originates from nuclear reactions (the ‘Big Bang’ and ‘black holes’ perhaps being excluded) and if not for nuclear reactions in the Sun as well as within most of our Earth there would be no life here at all.


Add in the fact that we have very badly overpopulated the planet and continue to do so at an unsustainable rate. If we do not revise our unfounded and unsustainable current economic model that is only considered 'healthy and successful' if it has continuous and infinite growth, it will crash very soon and be forced upon us much more brutally than if we get back to a ‘need’ based economy voluntarily rather than an unsustainable ‘want(on)/desire’ based consumer society. There is a small nation in Africa I believe it is whose King changed this measuring stick of success from GNP to GNH: Gross National Happiness.’ *Turning and bowing slowly and deeply to the King that has clearly demonstrated that He is worthy of this title for His people* This is much more realistic, relevant and sustainable and indicative of the type of awareness, thinking and actions that we need to take if we are going to have any chance of survival at all. This is highly unlikely though as history has clearly shown that we do not learn from our previous mistakes, but repeat them over and over again. For beings that are currently so ‘smart’, we have most clearly and repeatedly demonstrated that we are definitely lacking in the wisdom needed to wield such awesome capabilities and powers. If it was any other species than ourselves we would quite accurately classify it for what it really is: a massive infestation of biblical proportions. For those of you still waiting for the Apocalypse to happen: WAKE UP! We are well past the tipping point and are already plummeting into the endless empty Void of the Abyss as you are reading this. For you naysayers that are in denial about this and will want to vehemently challenge me on it: don't bother! If you need the false comfort and security in denial with your head stuck in the sand or flinging yourselves headlong off the edge of the cliff along with the hoards of other mindless lemmings then do so. When you have ingested all the information that I have from virtually every discipline of science that is studying this and their research and findings support my statements and are working to try and avert it, which is not going to happen; or at least salvage what little we are able to, then you can come and talk to me about this if you wish, otherwise don’t bother.

We need an all encompasing massive organized, consorted and acted upon effort in ‘crisis mode’ on a global scale unlike anything ever even thought of prior to this, let alone acted upon. It is the ONLY chance we have IF we respond accordingly in proportion to the calamitous and dire situation we are ALL in right NOW! With the circumstances we are currently in, frittering away massive amounts of resources on things like putting a couple of humans on Mars in oversized tin cans that will only end up dead anyway as there won’t be the infrastructure left here to support them on a planet that will not support life is irresponsible beyond belief and is indicative of how and why we are in the situation that we now find ourselves in. That folly will very likely be averted by massive catastrophic shifts from bankrupting all of the ecosystems before we can achieve it anyway. I am not against space exploration, but the timing of it and the time frame for it is completely unrealistic and misguided at this point in time and the circumstances that we are currently in as a species, to say nothing of the myriad of other bountiful living species here in our ‘farm’ that we have turned into one giant toxic waste dump. But it will be huge amounts of capital of various types wasted that are otherwise urgently needed here to try and save this ‘SpaceShip’ that is our only home. Our SpaceShip is being destroyed at a rate that can only be described as a global catastrophe for all life on our only home planet and an Extinction Level Event (ELE). Fortunately the consciousness and awareness, actions, response and mobility are very rapidly rising to this Herculean task. If you are not part of the solution, you ARE part of the problem! So lead, follow or get out of the way!


When you hedge with a future or with an option, it will be like trading different stuff: you can go long EURUSD and short 6EZ9 (6EZ9 is EURUSD future expiry december 2009), for instance. Or long EURUSD short 6EZ914750C (CALL on 6EZ9, strike price 1.4750). Bear in mind that every expiry and option type have a different option symbol: so for an underlying you have a few futures ... say max 10, but probably 1-2 liquid . And for every future you have 2 set of options, Calls and Puts, each having from about 3 expiries for fx to 20-30 expiries for stocks. Meaning that for every underlying we have about between 30 to 200 DIFFERENT SYMBOLS available for a wide array of hedging strategies. Of course, option games are very different, but here is the beauty of hedging : when the one going up goes 50 pips up, and the one going down goes 30 pips down, that's way more interesting than 50 - 50 = 0...

I do not hedge with futures or options. I was commenting on your broad based remark "It's time to wake up! Who taught you people that hedging means to buy and sell the same thing?".

In the current state of Forex trading with MT4, a hedge is considered buying and selling the same security on one account at the same time.


Re: The end of civilization: 

This doc here knocked my socks off : watched it for about 3 days.. :

TheEconomist wrote >>

This doc here knocked my socks off : watched it for about 3 days.. :

It doesn't take much to knock my socks off as I wear them out very quickly. LoL

Also it's pretty hard to find anything that I am not at least conversant in.

But thanks, I'll check it out.

The site tried to plant about 6 cookies on me.

Pretty lengthy, but it looks like something that I might want to keep, I'll have to reinstall uTorrent and get it all.

I have had 3 personal ‘distant’ encounters of my own to date and one brief ‘past life’ experience that just ‘washed over me’ completely unbidden and was VERY powerful. To say that it was a ‘memory’ doesn’t come anywhere near to accurately conveying or describing how powerful, overwhelming and all encompassing that it was. However unlike most tales you hear about ‘past life memories’ where everyone is always a king or a queen or some other significant historical figure I was a peasant woman farmer. I got ripped off! Where is the complaint department for this and whom do I speak to about it ? I want to have this set aright ASAP!

Sometime I’ll tell you about a woman who has the capacity to access other’s past lives and one very interesting incident that she conveyed.

I know a gay woman who is quite the ‘space cadet’ She worked as a musician for many years. One night after a gig she ended up in bed with someone, which was a very unusual occurrence for her: even more so as it was a guy. She ended up pregnant from this encounter and had twin daughters who are now young adults. Definately the hands of the Fates at work here. When they were about one year old, she heard them laughing and giggling away in there cribs. It went on so long that she was finally overcome by curiosity and went to see what was so funny for them. She approached very quietly and discretely peeked in at them as she wanted to see the event as opposed to interrupting them. They were levitating several of their toys and had them dancing and jumping and bouncing around all over the place!

I’ll have to find the description of the ‘Editorial Cartoon’ that I’ve had in my head for ages that I put at the end of one of my other lengthy rants that I posted here and pass it along to you.

252525 wrote >>

I do not hedge with futures or options. I was commenting on your broad based remark "It's time to wake up! Who taught you people that hedging means to buy and sell the same thing?".

In the current state of Forex trading with MT4, a hedge is considered buying and selling the same security on one account at the same time.


I am not the one that made the broad based remark "It's time to wake up! Who taught you people that hedging means to buy and sell the same thing?" I am one of the people that it was directed at.

But I did take that aspect of it in. Do you use hedging (regularly)? if so, what is your trading practice with them (‘Practicing’ the ForEx is something I most definitely should be doing more of as opposed to just pouring my (currently very scarce) money into other people’s pockets!) What sorts of results do you get with hedging?


I think for most traders that use this buy sell same thing hedging approach, use it in two manners:

a. it's psychological, they tend to take signals of lower quality, that may be good or not. When signal is of very good quality, they unhedge, closing the bad trades and unleash the power of the good ones. Doing so, they overcome previous locked losses and make profits. But if this signal is bad, the high leverage accumulated will be just a poison pill.

b. as a grid trading roadmap, either for approaching trending markets or ranging markets. Trades are opened mechanically, at a certain step or event.

For other types of hedging:

a. hedging correlated stuff: fx pairs, stock indexes, stocks, oil - statistical arbitrage ; trades are pretty uncontrollable

b. hedging fx with cross rates fx - triangular arbitrage ; aims small profits all the time, but almost impossible to take because of latency; and even if done, is endangered by slippage

c. hedging fx with futures - fx/futures arbitrage ; aims profits all time, when basis diverges too much from normal; thumbs up, this is a good one

d. hedging other products with other versions of their own - example s&p with mini s&p ; intermarket arbitrage ; aims profits all the time, but huge costs due to commissions; easier to do than triangular, but dangerous on latency issues;

e. all the plethora of option strategies.

Most of these things require MT5's event processing in order to have a chance in being well done.