how to develop my own EA

I have not completed the full book of mql4, I am learning that language to make my own system. I am new to forex but have 3 years experience in equities. My question to you guys is after reading the book of mql4 language will I be able to develop my own EA, as I am not a software professional also in the book is the basic knowledge of the language, not discussed about the codes of different trading systems.
Many guys quote their codings of EA, will I be able to understand and tweak those codes of them into my own trading system? I am focusing on my own is because when my EA will not work I will tweak its parameter myself, I donot want to copy anybody's system when I am not comfortable it. I have my own rules of trading but donot know how to put that in algorithms. So please tell me how far can I go from here to build my own trading system.
Experience traders and developers please assist.
mayanksaini11 wrote >>
I have not completed the full book of mql4, I am learning that language to make my own system. I am new to forex but have 3 years experience in equities. My question to you guys is after reading the book of mql4 language will I be able to develop my own EA, as I am not a software professional also in the book is the basic knowledge of the language, not discussed about the codes of different trading systems.
Many guys quote their codings of EA, will I be able to understand and tweak those codes of them into my own trading system? I am focusing on my own is because when my EA will not work I will tweak its parameter myself, I donot want to copy anybody's system when I am not comfortable it. I have my own rules of trading but donot know how to put that in algorithms. So please tell me how far can I go from here to build my own trading system.
Experience traders and developers please assist.

i'm not an experienced trader, i'm far to be an experienced programmer, but let me tell you that if you read the mql4 book once, you download one or two preprogrammed EA on this community just to analyse the logic, and you use the help file in the metaeditor, you will be able to write about everything you want ! One thing that really helped me in my developpement is to write the variable value in a csv file at each thick of backtesting, and than open it in excel and sreen if there was anomalies. Of course there was alot at first, but you can point where the problem happened and you can figure what went wrong in the logic of your system to detect why there are difference between what you would like your EA to do and what it does now..



Read the book.

Pick one of the sample mq4 files.

Use the Documentation section in the forum to annotate what each line does.

Pick a simple strategy.

Write the pseudocode (logic in plain English).

Code it yourself (with our support if necessary).

Make use of the Print() statement all over your code to keep yourself appraised of the logic flow and the content of key variables.

Test it against an Excel model.

Refine it.

Add ancilliary services such as email notification, recovery from failure etc.

You may be interested to have a look at another newbie's recent journey.

'adventures of a newbie'
