i can't use metatrader for practicing!!!!


my name is Nusa. i come from indonesia...i have problem for using metatrader program to have some practice about how to make real trade. i always can't log in to the web. if there is any suggestion i will appreciate it so much!!!!!thanks

or u can email me at disa_99@plasa.com. for all your attention i just can say thankyou!!!!


Hello Nusa, what do you mean by "can't log in to the web"? which web? metatrader is a windows application that connected directly to broker's database.

Have a look at the bottom left or right of your MetaTrader. If you see the picture below....

....you are not connected. Most probably you haven't a valid Demo account (expired).

Go to "File-->Open new Account" and type in anything you want....you then follow the steps and you're up and running again (normally).



Has this ever worked?


Okay, now this is a shot in the dark here, but bear with me.

Do you have an internet connection?



Has this ever worked?


Okay, now this is a shot in the dark here, but bear with me.

Do you have an internet connection?


LOLOLOLOLOL.. but makes sense :D

Btw Nusa, if you can't express your question clearly in english, you can ask it in indonesian language, this time only.


maaf bila bahasa saya kurang bisa dimengerti. setiap menggunakan metatrader mau log in dengan demo acount selalu waiting dan stop disitu.kalo metatrader sendiri memang sudah menampilkan pair dari mata uang (broker database). tapi saya rasa tidak up to date (tertanggal 20 juli 2008) ........... apa saya harus membayar untuk dapat mencoba demo account, terud terang saya bingung sekali. terimakasih buat devilian1899 yang mau ngasih saran. thanks!!!!

for Cloudbreaker

i'm not continously connect to the internet because i use in my office... i want to try it first!!! if i can understand with all this directly  i will always connect to internet !!!!!


Nusa, you have to connect to the internet all the time if you want to practice using the metatrader. That "waiting" means the MT4 is trying to connect to the internet to download the required pair's data. You can download the pair's data from the other source but things will get complicated especially for a beginner and you still won't be able to practicing on the live market. Simply connect to the internet and let the MT4 download the data by itself. If still no data downloaded, open a new demo account by clicking "File" menu and then "Open a new account."