declare a table size with an external variable


Hi everyone,

my issue is well summarized in the title of the topic. I would like to be able to declare a table of variable size according the configuration before launching the EA.

Now I am using

#define WINDOW 20


int tab[WINDOW]

But I would like to be able to modify this size with an extern variable. Of course, if I try the following code it doesn't not compile because "window is not an integer variable" according the compiler...

extern int window;


int tab[window];

If someone can help, I would be very grateful.

Thanks a lot,



my issue is well summarized in the title of the topic. I would like to be able to declare a table of variable size according the configuration before launching the EA.


Sounds like the following should work - i.e. leave the size uninitialised, and then initialise it during init() using the ArrayResize() function.

extern int window;

int tab[];


int init()



ArrayResize(tab, window);



Thank you a lot. It seems to work.