Learning programming for the MT platform: Start now or wait until v5 is out ? - page 2

Yes, start know! According to what I heard the MT5 Platform is updated but also know tries to fit within the NFA rules by avoiding Hedging and things....and I think you don't want to be with a NFA regulated Broker. So what my guess is, that all other non NFA regulated brokers will stick to their good old MT4. No point in waiting then is there?
ForExDRH wrote >>


I'm a new comer to ForEx but have been around and used computers for quite some time including a little bit of programming.

I'm interested in programming some EAs for the MT platform, but being overloaded at the moment, including working at learning the how’s, ins and outs and the dos and don’ts of the ForEx, with v5 due out very soon, considering these factors, I'm tending to wait for v5. If there are any programmers out there that have been doing MQL for quite a while now, I am interested in their thoughts and opinions on this.

Thanks and Prosperous Trading (< 8)



Taking all of your input and advice into consideration as well as numerous other factors in my life at the moment, I will wait till MT5 comes out before I will delve into MQL programming if I am able to accommodate it.

I am wondering if the MQL supports Trigonometry and Calculus functions though and would appreciate knowing it they will be available or if I will have to try and construct some 'work arounds' for them?

Thanks to one and all (< 8)

Prosperous Trading!


Start now - any new platform takes many revisions before bugs are worked out and it becomes 'stable' - some never do (such as Vista).

Metaquotes needs to produce a series of training video on programming in MT5 or MQL5.......so we all can learn how to code properly.

They need to start now.

ErrorProgrammer wrote >>
Yes, start know! According to what I heard the MT5 Platform is updated but also know tries to fit within the NFA rules by avoiding Hedging and things....and I think you don't want to be with a NFA regulated Broker. So what my guess is, that all other non NFA regulated brokers will stick to their good old MT4. No point in waiting then is there?

Greetings to one and all,

Hmmm there have been a lot of points both pro and con. I have been flamed by some for my decision, but then they aren't in my shoes and thus can't take everything in my life into account. Many of them that (strongly) recommend I get started with MT4 right away in spite of many statements of how substantial the changes will be. But as you say it is likely that MT4 will still be around for some time to come, which is a good point.

However I am not in the US nor use an American broker though. I’m looking at MetaQuotes.Com’s contact info and they refer all enquiries to their Cyprus office which is where my broker is located. Given that and the fact that at this point in time it is very doubtful that I could start even if I wanted to. Frankly it will likely remain that way for some time to come, in spite of the fact that this is something that I am very interested in. When thrown in with other circumstances, it still makes my choice clear: I will wait till MT5 comes out and see how it all shakes out and then get started on it when I can.

Thanks to one and all for your responses, input and information.



PS: For some unknown reason I haven’t been able to log onto here for a while now. It’s nice to be ‘back.


(8 >) Prosperous Trading (< 8)


Doug, I've come to the conclusion that you need to start this right away.

The reason is that it sounds like you have WAY too much emotion to be a manual trader. :-)



cloudbreaker wrote >>

Doug, I've come to the conclusion that you need to start this right away.

The reason is that it sounds like you have WAY too much emotion to be a manual trader. :-)


Hi Cloud Breaker,

Thanks and no offence but I am getting a good chuckle about your posting. I appreciate your candor and concern but I do wonder why you have come to this conclusion based such a minimal amount of information, input and knowledge of me. But I'm afraid you couldn't be further from the truth. I am quite empathic and aware of emotions, both my own and others, but I also balance them with reason: heartfelt thinking as Rudolph Steiner would term it. I do tend to be quite intense: candid, open and expressive about things, including my emotions. But thankfully this is balanced out by a lively sense of humor and a very comprehensive and long term, widely encompassing depth and orientation to the world: I am very much a multidisciplinarion. But you are mistaken in your conclusion. I am not very ‘monetarily motivated’ at all. I have no interest in being a full time, long term trader of any sort. I am doing this strictly to finance a number of things that I want and need to achieve with the time left to me this time around and this is a very possible means of doing just that. When I get an AE that does the job for me; even though I am currently taking a lengthy, in depth course on technical trading, I’ll let it do its thing while I focus on other things that are of much greater interest and important to me, and to the world for that matter. This includes programming MQL, it is strictly a means to an end for me. If I have to do it in order to achieve these goals I will, but if I can do it without spending a lot of precious time and energy, of which I have VERY little extra to spare. If I was unable to find what I need in this field available, I will do the same as I have done in many very different fields and endeavors and build one myself.

I have been utilized personal computers in one form or another for over 30 years now. I am well aware that there are many that are very enthralled and involved in programming of many sorts, but I am not one of them. I am glad they are though, as it has brought the field a long ways. I’m surprised that PCs ever because as popular as they did, at least for the average consumer as opposed to scientists that recognized the benefits of them in their work, as limited as they were, and utilized them as such. For most of the history of PCs, they have really not been powerful enough to really do much of anything with them. We are finally getting to a point where they are, which IS a very good development and thing. It may interest you to know that on my first day of manual trading, I doubled my account. Along with my studies of technical ForEx trading, I have some of the very much over hyped bots around and have found one that has the potential to be reliable, consistent and successful in the long term. It most definitely wasn’t and hasn’t been with the initial approach and default settings, but I have been successfully tuning it over a period of a couple of months and now have it to the point where it will run in the black overall and will let it and my ‘FRED’, which is an acronym from musicians which stands for “F*!king Ridiculous Electronic Devices’ toil away endlessly and generate very significant amounts of funds for me. Though as I mentioned above, I do apply the caveat that PCs have finally almost become powerful and useful enough that they no longer fall into the ‘FRED” category.

Right now, just after I have said that, the curser started scrolling down wildly out of control in my word processor and added dozens of empty pages and then opened over 2 dozen other instances of my word processor. Silly FRED! It turned out to be that my enter key was stuck down. Many of the letters on my keyboard have been worn off of this particular ergonomic keyboard that is the best out of the half dozen or so that I currently have, but I guess it may be time to retire it; or at least take it apart and clean and service it again.

Wishing you much clean, effective and functional coding and as per usual:

(8 >) Prosperous Trading (< 8)



PS: before someone else here criticizes me again for the large font as they have 20/20 vision: I don’t! Along with a number of other age related visual impairments. There are parts of Life that get better as we get older, but it is most definitely not the physical. Also my large very high quality, high resolution professional graphics monitor is on the fritz and headed for the repair shop thus leaving me to utilize my back up monitor for a while which is old, tiny, low resolution and malfunctions until my much better one is repaired.


And you posted this to persuade us that you're not emotional? I see.

Hey - don't take my post too seriously - just a little joke. :-)



Hey Cloud Breaker,

No worries, I'm getting a good chuckle out of the whole thing and you most definitely aren't telling me anything that I don't already know about myself. I most certainly don't deny the existence of my emotions, that would be fool's folly and I wouldn't want to be without them. But don't let that deter you, perhaps you will eventually come up with some previously unknown insight about me if you preserver long enough at it. Though if you want to succeed at it you will likely have to give up programming as you won’t have time for it.

However as with many aspects of being human, those that deny the existence of emotions or other such aspects of our makeup have no power over them and are thus doomed to be ruled blindly by them.

Live long and prosper! LoL (< 8)

PS: Maybe we should start a 'Philosophical Programmers' channel. Though at least for now, it will also have to be 'Philosophical Non-Programmers’ for me! (< 8)

But enough of this foolish nonsense for now, get back to coding as you are supposed to be doing silly rarebit !