Load Template with a script



i use a script for buy and sell

this script safe also the actual view with WindowScreenShot

now i like to change the template before i safe the screenshot

save actual Screen as Template

Load Template

WindowScreenShot --> is clear

Load saved template

so my question is, how i can safe and load a tempate with a script

kind regards

for (int i=0;i<OrdersTotal();i++){


string Number = OrderTicket() + " " + Tag + "." + Monat + "." + Year()+ " " + stunde + "." + min + " " + Symbol() + " " + Text;


WindowScreenShot( "shots\\ "+ Number + ".gif",1280,1024,0,3,CHART_CANDLE);



MQL Code can't save or load a template.


i have several indicator that using for trade .... can any one plz tel me how to make Template that i can load all indicator in one time .. TQ