Making actual money with an EA



This is BillBrian again.

I have been googling to see if there were people with successtories using EA's.

But most I find is commercial sites, offering EA's.

Are there people here having experience making money with EA's ?

Question because I read an article of someone stating only 1% of EA's users make money.



This is BillBrian again.

I have been googling to see if there were people with successtories using EA's.

But most I find is commercial sites, offering EA's.

Are there people here having experience making money with EA's ?

Question because I read an article of someone stating only 1% of EA's users make money.

In my mind, your question would be better stated as "Do people make money by executing a disciplined algorithmic strategy". The reason I say this is that many do this manually.

In answer, I've heard it said that 95% of retail traders lose money and of the remaining 5%, only 1% become rich through trading. Depends what you call rich, I guess.




> Are there people here having experience making money with EA's ?

Yes certainly - the trick is to stop them losing it all again when the market pattern/s change away from that particular EA's comfort zone

Unless at near scalping level, trend-seeking EA's will not be very successful very much of the time - but can make $$$ at the right time, e.g. Sept to mid-Nov in 08

You either dont run them or have filters that stop them trading - sadly most EA owners cant stand this behaviour, so many commercial EA's over-trade

Also many EA users overtrade - even Robominer will kill your account with drawdown if you overload it..

Range-trading EA's, especially if wholly or partly price-driven seem to be the most consistent, but can be spread-sensitive

Usual caveats apply, brokers feeds vary greatly and some may suit some EA's more than others
NFA-registered brokers cant run hedging EA's (until MT5), ECN brokers cannot process orders for many EA's, etc

All IMHO of course




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