Pleased to report that Search is working fine today :)



Search function working like a dream today. Mustn't be servicing too many requests.


cloudbreaker wrote >>

This message is directed especially to new members.

Recently I'm finding myself (and noticing some of the other programmers) answering the same questions time after time after time.

It is quite clear that many new members post their questions without searching the forum or using the documentation.

Some of the repeated questions are:

- I'm getting Error 130

- How do I make my EA just do 1 order per day

- My loop to close orders isn't working reliably

- How do I know if an order is closed

- How do I use magic numbers

- How do I pass data between EAs or persist data when my EA shuts down

- How do I protect my EA from prying eyes (and decompilers)

This forum is cluttered at the best of times.

Please use the SEARCH facility.

Please consult the Documentation here:





How about creating thread with snippets of code to deal with the repeating questions that you can refer to everytime a repeat question comes up. This thread can be developed over time as questions gets answered.

I agree with you as I have seen the same questions come up over and over.

Example of what I mean with code snippets:

Qoustion about 5 digits or 4 digits

I drop this code snippet into all my EAs

int digits=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_DIGITS);
if ((digits==5)||(digits==3)) D=10;
if ((digits==4)||(digits==2)) D=1;

Then I use the value of D like this:

...some code to find trade entry = low


...more code


The end result is that the EA now decides for itself how to deal with the question of digits and I don't have to think about it.

My 2 pence worth.




How about creating thread with snippets of code to deal with the repeating questions that you can refer to everytime a repeat question comes up. This thread can be developed over time as questions gets answered.

I agree with you as I have seen the same questions come up over and over.

Example of what I mean with code snippets:

Qoustion about 5 digits or 4 digits

I drop this code snippet into all my EAs

int digits=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_DIGITS);
if ((digits==5)||(digits==3)) D=10;
if ((digits==4)||(digits==2)) D=1;

Then I use the value of D like this:

...some code to find trade entry = low


...more code


The end result is that the EA now decides for itself how to deal with the question of digits and I don't have to think about it.

My 2 pence worth.


Pretty much identical to the way I handle the digits issue. However, creating a mega-thread is fighting the symptom rather than the problem - and creating a disorganized lump of intelligence. I'd rather see the forum categorised, indexed, organized and properly used by the posters.




How about creating thread with snippets of code to deal with the repeating questions that you can refer to everytime a repeat question comes up. This thread can be developed over time as questions gets answered.

I agree with you as I have seen the same questions come up over and over.

Example of what I mean with code snippets:

Qoustion about 5 digits or 4 digits

I drop this code snippet into all my EAs

int digits=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_DIGITS);
if ((digits==5)||(digits==3)) D=10;
if ((digits==4)||(digits==2)) D=1;

Then I use the value of D like this:

...some code to find trade entry = low


...more code


The end result is that the EA now decides for itself how to deal with the question of digits and I don't have to think about it.

My 2 pence worth.


Sounds like a good idea. Anyone could start it though. I have a similar code snippet for the digit issue, but yours is better.

Why don't you start the thread you suggest? I'd look around for something to drop in (and I'm sure some the more experienced guys would suggest better ways of doing the same thing ;-).

Cheers Jellybean


Sounds like a good idea. Anyone could start it though. I have a similar code snippet for the digit issue, but yours is better.

Why don't you start the thread you suggest? I'd look around for something to drop in (and I'm sure some the more experienced guys would suggest better ways of doing the same thing ;-).

Cheers Jellybean

if some newbie wannabeprogrammers dont read the docs and the threads of the last 2 weeks, why should they want to read another source of information ?

i started in september with MQL4 and asked not a single question, because i am programming since years,

newbie wannabeprogrammers should start programming with any language anywhere in a web forum dedicated to newbie wannabeprogrammers and not in a specific language forum.

i have read too much questions of (self-censored) people that arent able to add 2 numbers and display the result via a simple print statement.


My problem is not to do with people who lack ability. Everyone has to learn. Some have the luxury of migrating their knowledge from other languages.

My major problem is with LAZY people who can't be bothered:

- thinking

- coding

- learning a language (technical or social)

- searching


There are so many of them on this forum. Then I get folks telling me to avoid being sarcastic...



My problem is not to do with people who lack ability. Everyone has to learn. Some have the luxury of migrating their knowledge from other languages.

My major problem is with LAZY people who can't be bothered:

- thinking

- coding

- learning a language (technical or social)

- searching


There are so many of them on this forum. Then I get folks telling me to avoid being sarcastic...


i agree with an amount of 100% with your statement.

meikel wrote >>

i agree with an amount of 100% with your statement.

The both of you are correct. EVERY QUESTION being asked on this forum has been asked and answered over and over. I have been coding on this platform for over a year now and I have never asked a question. I searched the forums, read the articles and managed to educate myself over tiime with trial and error.

I think it is people that do not bother to understand the concept of forex tradiing in the 1st place. They seem to think it is a cash machine for untold riches. No effort required. This attitude then pulls through to the forum with people expecting others to do the work for them.

The reason for my suggestion of a code snippet area, is to have a thread that you can point all newbies to when the questions come. It will hopefully get a few to start the process of learning. I accept that there will always be those that can't be bothered, but if a post like that (and I take your point about an unstructured jumble of information) can get even a few people going on the road, I think it will be worth it.



Isn't the code snippets area already there in the MT4 tutorial that shows how to code a basic MACD and explains about trading at candle time etc. All the basics that seem to appear as questions are explained.It's where I learnt most of it.