
i have no problem if you move on very far away.

in the last weeks i have read more answers from CB, Phy and all the others than answers of you.

and in spite of the fact that some of them are bored, they delivered answers to people who are really want to learn and not simply wanting to play wasicu games.

What I have seen in this thread is an attempt by a small click of people who have innovatively devised an "issue" that allows them to intervene in the posts of others who are asking questions about MQL4, for educational purposes... (they don't know it all), and to give license to members of this click to launch personal insults and embarrassments to those they deem to be acting "dumb."  I keep seeing this word over and over... "dumb" and never before at this site... keep up the good work you all... I still hope the site administration here sees this thread, and those involved, for what this really represents... and I hope it stops soon, and we get back to helping others like some of you have pointed out has been done before you all came along.


Thanks very much for keeping this thread near the top of the heap, very helpful :)

Site admins are very happy to have this thread at or near the top as they realistically have no more space for another 'sticky' and no way (currently) to have separated sections or forum areas

Lets keep it bouncing





Thanks very much for keeping this thread near the top of the heap, very helpful :)

Site admins are very happy to have this thread at or near the top as they realistically have no more space for another 'sticky' and no way (currently) to have separated sections or forum areas

Lets keep it bouncing



I  would have thought you would be one who knows the difference between encouraging people to do research by posting a sticky, and gathering an anti-social click to legitimize insulting and embarrassing anyone who they consider dumb, stupid, and whatever else you folks here like to call people trying to learn MQL4... publicly. Ummmm   So, I too think it is a good thing for the folks in this community to see where people are coming from that hang around the site, and who they are talking to, what kind of people they really are... slanderous, ungrateful, spiteful, impatient, vindictive... what an environment you seem to enjoy sir... But I suspect, the "click" in this forum, is going eventually get noticed by people outside the "click", and I hope someday you might actually be ashamed of what you are suggesting now, instead of simply supporting a sticky idea. 

Site administration has means of posting notices if they wish... and taking many other actions too, but if they rather have the bad public relations encouraged by supporters of this thread such as yourself, well that is their choice... this is their site.  I had thought I was trying to help their new visits have a good experience here, not to get ambushed by rougher and progressively bolder and more aggressive people they might encounter if left unchecked, with no one to say anything to stop this before it gets to become the cultural norm here.  But, if you are  right, maybe new visitors will get the idea that the environment here is not for people like them trying to start learning MQL4, but for those who think they know it all... to make fun of others, and all the rough verbal play that they want to toss about at their victims expense. Maybe they will be afraid of possibly asking the wrong questions, if you and your friends have their way with them, and maybe they will preemptively stop asking... there are alternatives to MT4... in case the site administration don't care about that, which I think they do... maybe I am wrong?

Any respectable public institutional web site, has standards of conduct including not making personal attacks and insults upon other visitors, and anti-harassment policies... maybe that is what the site administration should consider rather than allowing their public resources to be abused by self appointed site vigilantes and their friends that support them while they are violating such policies. I hope you are not saying the site administration is lacking in standards, and derelict in administering them... but maybe you are.  Only the site administration can really clear this up, and if they don't, then that is an answer too.  So, we shall see.

Oh by the way... you are too modest... it is not me keeping this at the top of the topic list, but you and your friends... don't be so modest!


Lets be clear, this is not a social site

The Forex market and everything connected to it is a very tough & merciless business

..ambushed by rougher and progressively bolder and more aggressive people..

Sounds like just another day in market, but I cant relate that to any postings here

Firm guidance is sometimes given, as it is sometimes appropriate..



Lets be clear, this is not a social site

The Forex market and everything connected to it is a very tough & merciless business

Sounds like just another day in market, but I cant relate that to any postings here

Firm guidance is sometimes given, as it is sometimes appropriate..


Lets do be clear...

I have no doubt you take a beating in the market... to feel this way. Feeling abused you feel like you are entitled to abuse others.  But, you and your friends are simply behaving as Internet thug cowards... justifying talking and treating people, as you never would in person.  Feeling like you should round up the "usual suspects" who you act as judge and jury over, determining who you all think is deserving of your insults and embarrassments... Now I didn't ask any newbie questions here for you and your click friends in this forum to target... so the agenda for misconduct towards others goes much farther than "firm guidance"... because some of us are not newbies, and don't need your guidance, and think you are wrong to be insulting, embarrassing, or harassing anyone, individually or collectively... You just keep making the case for me...

I think you and I have exchanged one statement and a rebuttal each... so I guess you can send your next friend along... 

I have noticed that some of you like to drop names like Rosh and Phy... maybe one of them could speak for themselves here, and support your cause if they do, since their names are often dropped as if they do... lets be clear shall we???  Or is this a group of whannabees that being nowhere close to Rosh or Phy's leagues in terms of reputation, just like to use their names to hide behind, when they are trying to do things they otherwise know are unacceptable in society at large... not your little society in this thread.  There is a difference... let's be clear!


I apologize... I edited this post script about five minutes after I posted... so be aware if it makes any difference to anyone.

A thought crossed my mind.  You are right BB, this is not a social site... this is a corporate business site, and responsible for good corporate citizenship throughout the world since they are doing business globally, let's be clear about that too... shall we... you don't own it, not even part... don't act like you do.  As to the site administration, lets see if they start living up to their corporate responsibilities here or not, as good citizens.  I am patient and feel they will weigh in at some point.

Maybe they can be clear too... who is running this site, members of this thread?

What are the policies about visitors embarrassing, insulting, harassing other visitors, in writing using their facilities, as individuals or as a click?


I'm just raising this thread to the top of the pile in order to take the opportunity to wish Wiley a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS.

Now that I've got all those assorted little Christmas distractions (associated with having a life) out of the way, I'm looking forward to giving proper priority to your long (and not at all uninteresting) posts.

I notice in your profile that you are retired. Assuming that this isn't a typographic error, I've started to look forward to retirement myself, as it seems to offer superior knowledge, insight and a medical excuse to be repetitive.

And what insight! It is quite uncanny that you've been the ONLY person to correctly identify us as a Group Of Internet Vigilantes (it seems so obvious now) when it would be ever so easy to fall into the trap that most people have fallen into - actually realizing that we are a collection of traders (some of us institutional traders) who try their best to help folks to learn MQL, but sometimes become frustrated at those who won't help themselves.

I also notice that you previously wanted to start a similar website of your own. I'm not surprised that you eventually decided against it - I somehow couldn't see you putting yourself in a position that generated a degree of low-level authoritarianism masquerading as helpful matey-ness. If you do decide to give it the go-ahead though, please let me know as it would be a great honour for me to write your profile.

I loved your "comment and rebuttal alignment system" and think it is likely to be a sure-fire winner for this and every other Internet forum. When compared against the existing "free speech" model, there really is no contest. What impressed me most was how you managed to introduce the idea without sounding in the least pompous or patronizing. Since I only have a finite amount of time whilst the market is closed over Christmas, unfortunately I will not be able to give your "comprehensive" forum posts the undivided attention we all think they deserve, so could I suggest perhaps that you spend the festive period tallying up the comments/rebuttals on the other forum threads.

PS: The issue that caused your initial angst was that you thought I was quoting, and thus embarrassing the people who posted the following questions:

- I'm getting Error 130
- How do I make my EA just do 1 order per day
- My loop to close orders isn't working reliably
- How do I know if an order is closed
- How do I use magic numbers
- How do I pass data between EAs or persist data when my EA shuts down
- How do I protect my EA from prying eyes (and decompilers)

In actual fact, I had created these question titles myself, and made them generic, in order not to embarrass the posters. I do hope this doesn't completely de-rail your manifesto. If you are stuck for anything to (accurately) complain about, then let me know and I'll try to come up with something.

Meanwhile, have a Merry Christmas!



Lately the search function does not seem to work properly... I keep getting "Keywords or characters in search string is ignored for they were too short or incorrect" and NOT because of short or incorrect keywords... Even a simple search for the word 'search' gives me that reply. Moderators, FYI.


Lately the search function does not seem to work properly... I keep getting "Keywords or characters in search string is ignored for they were too short or incorrect" and NOT because of short or incorrect keywords... Even a simple search for the word 'search' gives me that reply. Moderators, FYI.

Same here. I was wondering if it was at my end, but apparently not.


Got Rosh to restart it. Now working again. CB
Got Rosh to restart it. Now working again. CB

Thanks, CB/Rosh.

It worked for a while, but I'm getting the same error again. Keywords or characters in search string is ignored for they were too short or incorrect

Maybe it's a secret conspiracy to keep the thread at the top of the list ;-)
