Regulars - probably no bad idea if we have any further comments on this, to go slowly; maybe post one per day. If you get my drift. ;-)

May even be a good thread on which to tack the odd bit of small-talk, what's the weather like, etc.



Frustration affects all of us from time to time, and a little venting and reflection are a good thing from time to time --- it brings new perspective. And, from my perspective you guys are doing fine job of advancing the knowledge of MQL4. It took me about 5 months of effort before I was able to program with some confidence. I certainly appreciate the effort and intellect that CB, fbj, and jjc bring to this forum. Now I try to answer the simple questions and lighten the load a bit so you guys with the advanced knowledge are not as weary from answering the simple stuff and have time to address a more complex issues if you choose to do so.

I spent 25 years in local government. The requests for service and improvements are never ending. Masses of people (not all people) tend to expect more than they rightfully deserve, or they ask for it in a demeaning or condescending way, and it does make you weary from time to time. Overcoming that challenge makes you a better person in the long run.

Cheers & Keep Up the Good Work Fellas !


The forum structure and search facilities are less than ideal.

I often find that the answer to the question in the tips box that comes up after I post. I have not found a way to get a search result equivalent to that tip list until I actually make the post!

A perfect example is my latest topic about multiple return values from a function - you should be easily able to search and find it but failing that you can use the tips below, I bet :)

In that post the tip came up showing me about passing arguments by reference which, while not ideal, provides a much better solution for handling multiple return values than using file scope variables. If I had found that in the search, it would certainly have avoided my post.

If you can't easily extend the search capabilities to work as well as the tips, perhaps I could offer my web programming expertise to help?



> I certainly appreciate the effort and intellect that CB, fbj, and jjc bring

So do I, and lets not forget Mr Phy, someone capable of fixing MT itself!



Cloud breaker, i have looked through the search (for my query) but could not realy understand what i was looking at, i left a message for barrowboy who never even bothered to acknowledge it, sometimes there are codes just flung up on the board and no expansion on anything else, is it any wonder we, newcommers, have to keep posting to find an answer,you also have to understand we are not all programmers and for some it is hard to find our way so remember this when you just throw up a post about cluttering the board, its what its for,questions, .


Cloud breaker, i have looked through the search (for my query) but could not realy understand what i was looking at, i left a message for barrowboy who never even bothered to acknowledge it, sometimes there are codes just flung up on the board and no expansion on anything else, is it any wonder we, newcommers, have to keep posting to find an answer,you also have to understand we are not all programmers and for some it is hard to find our way so remember this when you just throw up a post about cluttering the board, its what its for,questions, .

Robbo, many thanks for pushing this thread to the top of the forum once more. :-)

Feel free to send me your question and I'll help if I can.

BB is good - but in his defense, we all have our specialities and there are certain areas I prefer to leave for others who know more than I do.


cloudbreaker wrote >>

This message is directed especially to new members.

Recently I'm finding myself (and noticing some of the other programmers) answering the same questions time after time after time.

It is quite clear that many new members post their questions without searching the forum or using the documentation.

Some of the repeated questions are:

- I'm getting Error 130

- How do I make my EA just do 1 order per day

- My loop to close orders isn't working reliably

- How do I know if an order is closed

- How do I use magic numbers

- How do I pass data between EAs or persist data when my EA shuts down

- How do I protect my EA from prying eyes (and decompilers)

This forum is cluttered at the best of times.

Please use the SEARCH facility.

Please consult the Documentation here:




While I am a new member, and I have learned alot in the short time, I do agree to an extent. Yes, I do believe like many other forums of many other interest that an individual shall search before they post. The problem is that this forums search function is not up to par with others. The bad part is this place has more vital information than the others. I cant count how many times I searched a general subject here and couldnt find it. In my time here I have learned to keep looking by manually clicking thru pages cause asking will do no good unless you have some successful code that maybe someone can get off of you. I dont have a successful code to offer up yet to gain anyones interest because im still on the huge learning curve. On subject, look at it this way, I can spend 2 days clicking my finger off here or a can google it iin 5 minutes to find it elsewhere. Isnt this the source?


I understand you CB, I am on both sides of the fence. I know enough to get me into trouble, then have to ask the stupid questions to get me out. I am also very well versed in many computer langauges and find myself helping out too much and not enough time for myself.

Thanks for all the times you have helped me, I really appreciate it. I have built about 5 different EA's now and getting the hang of it. I still have some serious problems with them, but at the same time, I am glad to have had the help you have given.

cloudbreaker wrote >>

BB is good - but in his defense, we all have our specialities...

Is well known I do the easy ones ;)



Embarrassingly enough, the search facility doesn't seem to be working at present. Or is it just me?