secrets of the master trading game

I'm new to trading, don't want to trade just yet but i've heard many people saying that Dr.van tharp being a coach in trading, so is it good if i read everything this guyt wrote and learn the skills he teaches especially in this "secrets of the master tading game" or are there any additional things that one must encounter??
mazen_inj wrote >>
I'm new to trading, don't want to trade just yet but i've heard many people saying that Dr.van tharp being a coach in trading, so is it good if i read everything this guyt wrote and learn the skills he teaches especially in this "secrets of the master tading game" or are there any additional things that one must encounter??

In my opinion, reading books on the psychology involved with trading is useless. It's like reading a book on how to ride a bicycle if you never rode one before. You will never learn how to ride a bike by reading a book. Truly the fastest and best way to learn is to learn from someone who is already successful at what you are trying to learn. If you plan to learn on your own from scratch do it on a demo account. Once you become confident that you can achieve consistent results then go to a live account.