Complete MQL Newbie Manual - page 2


Hey Niko,

It's July 4th. You back from Turkey?



Hey Huckleberry!

Yep, came back on 2nd, slept almost all day and night. It was amazing, motivated me to proceed with the trading at a faster speed. I posted on 'adventures of a newbie' but I think Tim is now on holiday, so I'm stuck with my strategy at the moment. I will start aggressive manual trading of it as of tonight, until the code is ready.

How you been? How is your learning going?


Dear All, I am very newbie here. Can you teach me how to program this logic? I love to learn MQL programming :). Your help would be much appreciated.

Can anyone tell me how to program this? Conditions are, if MA(any) close (marked in red dot) just above the center of candle body (marked as light gray vertical line) In other words, if the Red Dot is placed between 50% to 63% (let that percentage changable) on a Bearish Candle, then show the RED DOT & LIGHT GRAY LINE, otherwise don't show or don't mark.


Sorry, if I posted in a wrong thread. I learning thread recently.

Be Awesome



Hey DreamJobz (what's your dream job then? :)

You posted in the right thread. We are planning to put together a complete newbie manual (i'l get onto it as soon as my current strategy is coded, i'l have more time then). I thought about EA's first, but indicators can also come into it.

If gurus would like to help DreamJobs with this, please reply on this thread, then we can compile the answers when we are putting the basic manuals together.

niko wrote >>

Hey DreamJobz (what's your dream job then? :)

You posted in the right thread. We are planning to put together a complete newbie manual (i'l get onto it as soon as my current strategy is coded, i'l have more time then). I thought about EA's first, but indicators can also come into it.

If gurus would like to help DreamJobs with this, please reply on this thread, then we can compile the answers when we are putting the basic manuals together.

Hi, is this thread still alive?

Im interested in learning the language, but I have no background at all in programming, hence the concepts are very confusing. Ive read a bit, and I understand a bit, and I know I can do this, but its going to take me a really long time unless someone steps in. I was thinking of creating a thread just like this till I found this first.

Not all teachers are patient and Id like to avoid getting on peoples nerves by asking "stupid questions". The solution to this is to do my homework so at least the teachers know that Ive tried to make an effort to understand.

What we need is a laymans explanation of the technical terms; the whys, whats, wheres, whens, and hows (we can figure out the who's) in ordinary English. Also, a laymans dictonary for the inbuilt functions and terminology. Yes we have the meta editor dictionary, but its not very helpful to a novice. To learn something like this, we must first understand the basics, for instance if I wanted to teach someone to play the guitar, Id tell him about chords, scales, arpeggios, alternate picking, power chords, fingerstyle etc

If he already has some experience with the guitar and Im just up to raising his standard of play, we wont have any problems.

If however, he is just picking up the guitar for the first time, and I start telling him to "use alternate picking" he will never get it. If I simply tell him alternate picking means if you make an upstroke with your plectrum on a string, the next stroke would be a downstroke. Then Id proceed to explain upstrokes and downstrokes to him. Problem solved forever! Now whenever I speak of alternate picking, he knows what Im talking about, plus he can read materials that have such terms and not be confused. Its a simple concept, but because of the words used to describe it, it looks difficult and discouraging.

Ive learnt a lot from this forum and many others including coders guru, but there are so many things I still dont know and would like to.

If nobody is willing to keep the thread alive, Im sure I can, but its no use unless there are gurus here who are ready to impart and bear in mind that we are babies in this. Maybe newbies isnt a very good word.

Instead of saying proceed, say come!

Anybody interested?

Gurus: ? I know Tim and Cloud Breaker are always there to help

8284 wrote >>

Hi, is this thread still alive?

Im interested in learning the language, but I have no background at all in programming, hence the concepts are very confusing. Ive read a bit, and I understand a bit, and I know I can do this, but its going to take me a really long time unless someone steps in. I was thinking of creating a thread just like this till I found this first.

Not all teachers are patient and Id like to avoid getting on peoples nerves by asking "stupid questions". The solution to this is to do my homework so at least the teachers know that Ive tried to make an effort to understand.

What we need is a laymans explanation of the technical terms; the whys, whats, wheres, whens, and hows (we can figure out the who's) in ordinary English. Also, a laymans dictonary for the inbuilt functions and terminology. Yes we have the meta editor dictionary, but its not very helpful to a novice. To learn something like this, we must first understand the basics, for instance if I wanted to teach someone to play the guitar, Id tell him about chords, scales, arpeggios, alternate picking, power chords, fingerstyle etc

If he already has some experience with the guitar and Im just up to raising his standard of play, we wont have any problems.

If however, he is just picking up the guitar for the first time, and I start telling him to "use alternate picking" he will never get it. If I simply tell him alternate picking means if you make an upstroke with your plectrum on a string, the next stroke would be a downstroke. Then Id proceed to explain upstrokes and downstrokes to him. Problem solved forever! Now whenever I speak of alternate picking, he knows what Im talking about, plus he can read materials that have such terms and not be confused. Its a simple concept, but because of the words used to describe it, it looks difficult and discouraging.

Ive learnt a lot from this forum and many others including coders guru, but there are so many things I still dont know and would like to.

If nobody is willing to keep the thread alive, Im sure I can, but its no use unless there are gurus here who are ready to impart and bear in mind that we are babies in this. Maybe newbies isnt a very good word.

Instead of saying proceed, say come!

Anybody interested?

Gurus: ? I know Tim and Cloud Breaker are always there to help

Oh another thing, its no good saying go read the online documentation. It doesnt help that much because a lot of it is written technically. We need to know what these things are in ordinary words. For example, coders gurus description of a function (like a sausage machine) was very clear and illustrative. His flow charts as well. Thats the kind of stuff you give to newbies. I think the first stage in this process should be to learn the baby stuff first. Go to coders gurus lessons and other simplified stuff, otherwise little can be accomplished. There are so many things teachers take for granted like the rackets and braces and parameters etc but which cause a lot of confusion to learners.

This is where I have reached in my quest to learn coding;

- variables (easy)

-syntax (a few grey areas here but I have a good grasp of it)

- functions and calls (I had an "aha" moment last night)

- loops ( another "aha" moment last night)

My problems :


- Arrays ( I can see it, I can touch it, but I just cant grasp it. Can any one describe an array and its use with examples simple enough for even me?

I know its a table or like a table where similar data are kept and referred to by index and can be from one dimension up to four. What the hell does that mean?

I have a feeling that an "aha moment will soon come with this, but for now, nothing yet!)

-SWITCHES ( Not very sure of this one, though I have a good idea, but not concrete!)

If I scale this hurdle, Im going to write a book, mql4 for dummies,zombies, wherewolfs and aliens.


Oh another thing, its no good saying go read the online documentation. It doesnt help that much because a lot of it is written technically. We need to know what these things are in ordinary words. For example, coders gurus description of a function (like a sausage machine) was very clear and illustrative. His flow charts as well. Thats the kind of stuff you give to newbies. I think the first stage in this process should be to learn the baby stuff first. Go to coders gurus lessons and other simplified stuff, otherwise little can be accomplished. There are so many things teachers take for granted like the rackets and braces and parameters etc but which cause a lot of confusion to learners.

This is where I have reached in my quest to learn coding;

- variables (easy)

-syntax (a few grey areas here but I have a good grasp of it)

- functions and calls (I had an "aha" moment last night)

- loops ( another "aha" moment last night)

My problems :


- Arrays ( I can see it, I can touch it, but I just cant grasp it. Can any one describe an array and its use with examples simple enough for even me?

I know its a table or like a table where similar data are kept and referred to by index and can be from one dimension up to four. What the hell does that mean?

I have a feeling that an "aha moment will soon come with this, but for now, nothing yet!)

-SWITCHES ( Not very sure of this one, though I have a good idea, but not concrete!)

If I scale this hurdle, Im going to write a book, mql4 for dummies,zombies, wherewolfs and aliens.

8284 - Good programmers strive for modularity - ie. creation of reusable building blocks which can be repeatedly plumbed together leaving the bare minimum of new code to be written with each new program. You must appreciate that this approach is suitable for training materials as well. There are many resources available to pick up the programming fundamentals you mention, as they are common across all technologies. Its not efficient to duplicate these learning materials across every programming language.


cloudbreaker wrote >>

8284 - Good programmers strive for modularity - ie. creation of reusable building blocks which can be repeatedly plumbed together leaving the bare minimum of new code to be written with each new program. You must appreciate that this approach is suitable for training materials as well. There are many resources available to pick up the programming fundamentals you mention, as they are common across all technologies. Its not efficient to duplicate these learning materials across every programming language.


I think I understand you CB. I agree with you whole heartedly. It makes sense to have your building blocks (the vast majority of which would be functions I guess). I thought of asking somebody to do something like that for me and teach me how to assemble it but I realized that I wouldnt learn anything from that, and also it would probably only work for the most simple of strategies.

As for the fundamentals you mentioned, the ease of picking them up is quite relative. If you are speaking about the net, Ive been there looked all over, but no matter how simple the material is, there usually is something that is not explained probably because it is so basic (but not to me) so I grapple with it till a miracle happens or I get frustrated.

Anyway, I think Ive done ok so far, but I have a long way to go.

Right now Im on coders gurus lessons. Ive glanced at the adventures of a newbie which I will attack once Im done with coders guru. After that, there is a wonderful series of lectures on this forum; mql4 language for newbies. That should pretty much do it even for me except for a few odds and ends that will need tying up by senior coders. My only problem is Im scared of running into some technicality that will freeze me in my tracks.

When I first started to learn, I tried the book on this site, and quickly gave up. The next port of call was mql4 language for newbies. I got a bit further, but I couldnt progress beyond half of the first article.

However, with time, visiting many forums, looking at codes, reading help offered to other newbies, and especially coders gurus lessons, I was able to catch up a bit. Sorry I left out a very important part. In the adventures of a newbie, there was a link Tim left which led to ibfx and guest lectures by Patrick Nouvion (sorry for the spelling)! (I couldnt even understand the adventures of a newbie the first time).

Those ibfx lecures actually made me understand the basics, and also the importance of psuedo code and I couldnt even go through it at once the first time. Sheer persistence !

The next step was coders guru which Im still on.

Just for fun today I decided to glance at those materials I couldnt read before and they made a lot more sense than before.

Ive just finished my first indicator by coders guru but I want to go back and get the concept of arrays totally. I have had an "ah.." Im still waiting for the "..a"

I know arrays are important so I want to get it before I move on to my first ea by coders guru.

CB why dont you help with this? Someone would come along maybe a year or two from now and understand arrays from this post alone, just like Im reading old posts and learning a lot from them.

In the adventures of a newbie, you made a very clear description of a function like this

Here's how to use functions, pass variables in and out of them:

To declare:

int abcdef(int x, string s) //meaning the function with name abcdef accepts input of an integer and a string and returns an integer as its output (in this case either 0 or 9)


the function does stuff with x and s

if (some condition)





And to call:


myResponse = abcdef(myInteger, myString);

if (myResponse == 9)



Even I could understand that. Can you do the same thing with arrays?

Thanks for your quick reply.



Try this. I think this is what you're looking for.


cloudbreaker wrote >>

Try this. I think this is what you're looking for.


Oh CB, Oh CB !

You are a tough one. You really dont want to hold my hand through this. This is the same book written in greek, latin and mars speak that I fled from. Granted there is no way one can become proficient at a profession without learning the terminology but.....

You remind me of my logic lecturer Dr Otakpor (by logic I mean under philosophy). You had better never ask him a question if you have no idea of what you were asking. CB, the book on arrays is quite technical to me (it was my first effort at coding). I have a vague idea of what its about but not full understanding. I take this as a challenge however!

Im going to look for that little "..a" that will turn my "ah.." to "aha".

Im going to read up, and write up and then give you what I know on arrays (actually its their applications I need to know most).

The only thing is that this would result in a very long post. There are peices of code that I see arrays being used [] but I dont quite get the logic. I was hoping that if it was explained to me, I wouldnt have so many questions (kind of like a missing peice of the puzzle).

You have challenged me and I think its good for my development, however Id beg you to go just a wee bit softer on me cos Im scientifically disabled. My background is in the arts. When I talk with the ladies, they say I talk like a poet. I only hope I dont code like one!!!

Seriously, no sleep for me today, within 24 hours, Ill be back with my understanding of arrays. I hope you will correct me where Ive gone wrong, and help me understand the application of arrays to programming.

Oh CB, Oh CB !