Complete MQL Newbie Manual


Hey guys/gals, there seems to be a lot of discussion coming out of creating an article/manual for people completely new to mql and to programming as well. Let's use this thread to develop such a document. Everyone's input would be essential, newbies as well as gurus.


Aim End Product: Complete MQL Newbie Manual (this to be much more simpler and more explanatory than the MQL Book. It is to be the first step, MQL Book/Documentation to be a more specific step from that). We don't need to go crazy with this, just a step-by-step manual how to bulid a strategy that would involve all major functions (EntryRules, OrderCount, Arrays, TimeExpiry Exits, etc)


Process: Newbies post their questions on this forum with regards to programming and mql. These questions are then answered by other newbies and gurus. The information is then compiled (by newbies who want to help, by myself, by others) into 1 document. The document 1 will be the manual how to build a strategy bit by bit in mql.


Once newbies become familiar with the Newbie Manual they can then use the MQL Book/Documentation to help them improve and modify their strategies.


What do you think? Who's up for this?

niko wrote >>

Hey guys/gals, there seems to be a lot of discussion coming out of creating an article/manual for people completely new to mql and to programming as well. Let's use this thread to develop such a document. Everyone's input would be essential, newbies as well as gurus.


Aim End Product: Complete MQL Newbie Manual (this to be much more simpler and more explanatory than the MQL Book. It is to be the first step, MQL Book/Documentation to be a more specific step from that). We don't need to go crazy with this, just a step-by-step manual how to bulid a strategy that would involve all major functions (EntryRules, OrderCount, Arrays, TimeExpiry Exits, etc)


Process: Newbies post their questions on this forum with regards to programming and mql. These questions are then answered by other newbies and gurus. The information is then compiled (by newbies who want to help, by myself, by others) into 1 document. The document 1 will be the manual how to build a strategy bit by bit in mql.


Once newbies become familiar with the Newbie Manual they can then use the MQL Book/Documentation to help them improve and modify their strategies.


What do you think? Who's up for this?

I'd be happy to do my MQL community service time on a project like this




I'd be happy to do my MQL community service time on a project like this



Having just got to grips with USING MetaTrader, and having no idea about programming, I would find this very useful too - although I'm afraid I obviously can't contribute much!!


Excellent, we have 2 highly valuable people joining this project, Tim - a super guru (thanks Tim for dedicating yourself to this, as I remember this was your original idea, and I think an excellent one!), and GT3RS a newbie. I'm a newbie as well. Hopefully more will join shorty!


Okay, let's do this guys. If you have any newbie questions about mql and coding, please post them on this thread (*but please only newbie questions).


Also start a .txt document on your computer, to keep track of questions and the answers that will be given on this thread (copy and paste the answers into that document). In due time we will gather such documents from all newbies who are participating in this project, and integrate it into 1 newbie manual. So GT3RS if you want to learn how to program a strategy, you can contribute hugely in this way. This thread relies on people like you.


I will also start a document at my end focusing on everything I learnt from 'adventures of a newbie' thread. This will involve basic descriptions of how a strategy code is put together (eg functions, how to call them, assigning parameters, bracket issues, etc). this will be written in 'newbie language' so it should be very descriptive and easy to undestand for a complete novice to coding.

As I'm writing this I will be posting it on this forum to get feedback from everyone. So we all build the manual together. As we build it we will integrate into it, questions and others posted by other newbies.



Hey guys/gals, there seems to be a lot of discussion coming out of creating an article/manual for people completely new to mql and to programming as well. Let's use this thread to develop such a document. Everyone's input would be essential, newbies as well as gurus.


Aim End Product: Complete MQL Newbie Manual (this to be much more simpler and more explanatory than the MQL Book. It is to be the first step, MQL Book/Documentation to be a more specific step from that). We don't need to go crazy with this, just a step-by-step manual how to bulid a strategy that would involve all major functions (EntryRules, OrderCount, Arrays, TimeExpiry Exits, etc)


Process: Newbies post their questions on this forum with regards to programming and mql. These questions are then answered by other newbies and gurus. The information is then compiled (by newbies who want to help, by myself, by others) into 1 document. The document 1 will be the manual how to build a strategy bit by bit in mql.


Once newbies become familiar with the Newbie Manual they can then use the MQL Book/Documentation to help them improve and modify their strategies.


What do you think? Who's up for this?

this has been done already...there is a complete manual from A to Z just about was done by Coders Guru and can be found on a number of forums....

Im not sure if i can post the link here not all forum allow links to other site...dont want to be banned.

I do though think this thread is a good idea and hope this thread continues to develop peoples coding skills.


Excellent, we have 2 highly valuable people joining this project, Tim - a super guru (thanks Tim for dedicating yourself to this, as I remember this was your original idea, and I think an excellent one!), and GT3RS a newbie. I'm a newbie as well. Hopefully more will join shorty!


Okay, let's do this guys. If you have any newbie questions about mql and coding, please post them on this thread (*but please only newbie questions).


Also start a .txt document on your computer, to keep track of questions and the answers that will be given on this thread (copy and paste the answers into that document). In due time we will gather such documents from all newbies who are participating in this project, and integrate it into 1 newbie manual. So GT3RS if you want to learn how to program a strategy, you can contribute hugely in this way. This thread relies on people like you.


I will also start a document at my end focusing on everything I learnt from 'adventures of a newbie' thread. This will involve basic descriptions of how a strategy code is put together (eg functions, how to call them, assigning parameters, bracket issues, etc). this will be written in 'newbie language' so it should be very descriptive and easy to undestand for a complete novice to coding.

As I'm writing this I will be posting it on this forum to get feedback from everyone. So we all build the manual together. As we build it we will integrate into it, questions and others posted by other newbies.


Hi guys,

I'm not discouraging you but think on this: MQL5 is to be released this autumn and it will be different from MQL4. It is said the new MQL will be not back compatible with the current version. By the time you create this newbie manual it may have become outdated.


TSWilson wrote >>

I'd be happy to do my MQL community service time on a project like this



Hi Tim,

Please let me know if you have complete the manual MQL4 programming for beginner as I am also a beginner.

Thank you,


Hey guys, I'm on holiday in Turkey at the moment, so can't progress with this much, but your feedback is greatly appreciated. We can post the Code Guru manual link as I found it already on this forum, but I still found the tutorial quite hard for a complete beginner. It's okay though, I'l create the basic manual to help me learn the coding meanwhile and post it here. When mql5 comes out, we'l update it however will be necessary. Still hopefully this thread will encourage newbies to ask questions about coding which they may have felt a bit afraid to ask. I'm back on 3rd July, will see you all then!

Hi every one,

It's good to see people willing to make things easier.

But before starting, make sure to do something new and helpful.

Search this site you will find discussion about that with more links like this one :

niko wrote >>

Hey guys/gals, there seems to be a lot of discussion coming out of creating an article/manual for people completely new to mql and to programming as well. Let's use this thread to develop such a document. Everyone's input would be essential, newbies as well as gurus.


Aim End Product: Complete MQL Newbie Manual (this to be much more simpler and more explanatory than the MQL Book. It is to be the first step, MQL Book/Documentation to be a more specific step from that). We don't need to go crazy with this, just a step-by-step manual how to bulid a strategy that would involve all major functions (EntryRules, OrderCount, Arrays, TimeExpiry Exits, etc)


Process: Newbies post their questions on this forum with regards to programming and mql. These questions are then answered by other newbies and gurus. The information is then compiled (by newbies who want to help, by myself, by others) into 1 document. The document 1 will be the manual how to build a strategy bit by bit in mql.


Once newbies become familiar with the Newbie Manual they can then use the MQL Book/Documentation to help them improve and modify their strategies.


What do you think? Who's up for this?

Hi Niko,

As I have said, anything that I can contribute that will help others I'll participate. This kind of document can only help.

Hope you enjoy Turkey. See you back in a couple of weeks.

Regards Huckleberry

niko wrote >>

Hey guys/gals, there seems to be a lot of discussion coming out of creating an article/manual for people completely new to mql and to programming as well. Let's use this thread to develop such a document. Everyone's input would be essential, newbies as well as gurus.


Aim End Product: Complete MQL Newbie Manual (this to be much more simpler and more explanatory than the MQL Book. It is to be the first step, MQL Book/Documentation to be a more specific step from that). We don't need to go crazy with this, just a step-by-step manual how to bulid a strategy that would involve all major functions (EntryRules, OrderCount, Arrays, TimeExpiry Exits, etc)


Process: Newbies post their questions on this forum with regards to programming and mql. These questions are then answered by other newbies and gurus. The information is then compiled (by newbies who want to help, by myself, by others) into 1 document. The document 1 will be the manual how to build a strategy bit by bit in mql.


Once newbies become familiar with the Newbie Manual they can then use the MQL Book/Documentation to help them improve and modify their strategies.


What do you think? Who's up for this?

Hey Niko,

It's July 4th. You back from Turkey?

