Object in the separate window



Is this possible to draw an object in the separate window?




Is this possible to draw an object in the separate window?


I do it like this :

 int companion =WindowFind("companion");
if (companion == -1)companion=0;

if (ObjectFind("Murray_Math_Levels") == -1 ){
ObjectCreate("Murray_Math_Levels", OBJ_LABEL,companion, 0, 0);
ObjectSet("Murray_Math_Levels", OBJPROP_CORNER, 0);}
ObjectSet("Murray_Math_Levels", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 220); //this one
ObjectSet("Murray_Math_Levels", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 20);
ObjectSetText("Murray_Math_Levels","-- MTF MURRAY MATH LEVELS --", 12,"Times New Roman",RoyalBlue);

this will place the object into the subwindow if i first attach the blank indicator that i have saved using the name companion...

this will also allow the object to be placed in the chart window by default if the companion isnt there.


I do it like this :

this will place the object into the subwindow if i first attach the blank indicator that i have saved using the name companion...

this will also allow the object to be placed in the chart window by default if the companion isnt there.

Thank you, I'll try it.