Fixed SOME kinks in my EA


Can someone elaborate why limit orders on back-testing fail?

I've been trying to program an EA to set buystops and sellstops but it doesnt work. But when i change it to buy/sell respectively, it start's making trades. I am trying to get this damn thing to manage trades if the sellstop or buystop level changes and make 1 trade at a time. I don't know if I am doing something wrong with the code or is the backtest failing to recognize limits/stops.

int start()
double Up,Dn;
int trend, ticket, ticketsell;
trend = iCustom(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,"X",15,14,4,1,4,0);

if(trend>0 && Up==0){Dn= iCustom(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,"X",15,14,4,1,0,0);

Print("Sell: ",Dn);
if(OrdersTotal()==0 && (Ask>=Dn) && (iStdDev(Symbol(),0,20,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0) <=risk))
ticketsell =OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELLSTOP,Lots,Bid,0,Bid+30*Point,Bid-TakeProfit*Point,"SELL",16384,0,Red);

} else if (OrdersTotal()>0 && (Up > iCustom(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,"X",15,14,3,1,0,x+1)){
OrderModify(ticketsell,Up, Up+5*Point,Up-TakeProfit*Point,0,Red); // close position


if(trend<0 && Dn==0){Up= iCustom(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,"X",15,14,4,1,1,0);
Print("Long: ",Up);
if(OrdersTotal()==0 && (Bid<=Up) && (iStdDev(Symbol(),0,20,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0) <=risk)){
ticket =OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUYSTOP,Lots,Ask,0,Ask-30*Point,Ask+TakeProfit*Point,"BUY",16345,0,Green);
} else if(Dn<iCustom(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,"X",15,14,3,1,1,x+1){



When i replace the OP_BUYSTOP & OP_SELLSTOP with OP_BUY & OP_SELL respectively, and remove the "else if" part of the code after the ordersend this is the result:

Settings for the above were: $0.25/pip, 10 PIP t/p, No stop. Scalp's break-outs on the M1 time frame.. very accurate.. would be more accurate of the damn stops worked.

I like using low initial deposit values so I don't delude myself. I am happy with 20%+ return trading quarters.

I used visual mode and ran the program very slow and trades where stops would have been great were not made... Trades were only made when the Ask/Buy was equal to the value of the Sell/Buy recommendation value from the indicator..

I'm trying to get the stopsell level in the order to change if the indicator spits out a higher stopsell level than previous... if anyone can help by clarifying or showing me a simple script which sends limit orders based on a condition and then changes the limit order if the base condition changes, it would be greatly appreciated.

Please also let me know what you think of the results.


twizt wrote >>

ticketsell =OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELLSTOP,Lots,Bid,0,Bid+30*Point,Bid-TakeProfit*Point,"SELL",16384,0,Red);

hello, to place sellstop, u can't place at Bid price and similar for bustop, u can't place at Ask price !

you have to place them further away, if you understand what a sellstop or buystop means

Thanks. I wasn't trying to place @ Bid. I was thinking more if the asking price hit the bid price for the particular time. Other than that, does the So does the order modifying part look right?