if i want to add a new symbol and import its data into the history centre


I like MQL4 platform, and i strongly favor the testing power and optimisation tools, also the more open programming flexibility, but my point is, i want to test my strategy in other symbols, like individual stocks and other stock indexes, futures contracts, etc. How can i do this? appreciate very much!


why did nobody know it ?


I like MQL4 platform, and i strongly favor the testing power and optimisation tools, also the more open programming flexibility, but my point is, i want to test my strategy in other symbols, like individual stocks and other stock indexes, futures contracts, etc. How can i do this? appreciate very much!


why did nobody know it ?

Because it can't be done . . . at least not properly.
open market watch (control -m) right click -> show all. You can ONLY trade with YOUR broker provides.