trend line question


I would like to delete a trend line at the current bar, so it does not extend further than that bar. I did accomplish sort of what I wanted by simply changing the line color to background at the current bar. I am happy with that and it works for what I wanted. But since I am learning, I wanted to see if there was a way to terminate the line at the current bar. I did try to write some obj del to do it, but did not work. I am sure the answer is simple and probably in front of me....



See the Ray option in the Object Properties, or in code, OBJPROP_RAY

phy wrote >>

See the Ray option in the Object Properties, or in code, OBJPROP_RAY

Hi Phy, Wanted to say thank you for the answer, sorry it is delayed had a family illness problem that has occupied me of late. I did have the ray option but forgot to specify the true false after it. I actually just used 0 or 1 to do it. Again thanks I do appreciate your help. So now on to my next learning project and see what my next problem will be, It is fun, but can be extremely hair pulling at times, and when you find it was so simple it turns from hair pulling to embarrassment.

Have a good day