Moving Av of a Moving Av

Is anyone aware of a TA that has been written that will produce a moving average, and then a moving average of that moving average? The end result would be a two line display. For example, the first line might be a 25 period based on the closing price MA and the second line might be a 5 period moving average of the 25 period moving average.
Is anyone aware of a TA that has been written that will produce a moving average, and then a moving average of that moving average? The end result would be a two line display. For example, the first line might be a 25 period based on the closing price MA and the second line might be a 5 period moving average of the 25 period moving average.

I've just created thiis inficator for my own purposes. I may want to contact me via PM or email for details.

Although the indicator is trivial enough to be a public domain. There might be something like this in the codebase.