Innaccurate historical data for ALL pairs from Jan 1,09 to Mar 20, 09.


Is anyone else having this problem with the latest build of MT4. WHen I download the data for any pair there is a 10000 (ten thousand) pip candle on 1/1/2009 and another on 3/20/2009. It appears as though the decimal point has been shifted to the left by one digit for all the 1.2936 becomes 0.12936. It is happening on both my FXPRO and FXDD platforms. Again this happens on every pair on both platforms no matter how many times you redownload the data.


I am a very heavy user of the Strategy Tester, and this has been driving me nuts! At first I just noticed that I was getting garbage results from EA's that were previously working. That led me to the history weirdness, which is exactly as you observed.

I also seem to be getting thousands of mismatched data errors on some testing, which I assume relates to the same root cause of strange data.

This has brought my programming and testing to a screeching halt, and I sure hope it gets fixed ASAP!


My screenshot of the problem can be seen here:

And as you say there is a 1:10 step in the price. But I suspect there is more to it than that, the TFs appaer to not be properly matched, and what prices and volumes that look right may actually be incorrect too.

This problem came Friday evening two weeks ago, just when Alpari UK announced their move to the City.... and just when I was ready to go live, just needed some final EA testruns... VERY annoying !

Since all brokers and users get their history data from Alpari (via MetaQuotes) I have a suspicion that the problem can be traced back to Alpari.

I've contacted Alpari several times about this and they say their IT dept is working on it...

Help me put pressure on'em!

Send them emails, use live chat and inquire about this problem, the more people do this the better the chance of a fix in the near future.

Following a post in another forum, I re-downloaded the history and it seems to now have been fixed. Thanks very much guys, but wouldn't it have been so very nice to send a notice through the MT4 system to alert those of us that depend on that data?