this scipt only half works - delete all pending orders.


I got this script off this forum. I modified it a little, but basically the same and has only half worked in either case.

If i have 6 pending orders it will delete the last 3 placed. When i instigate the script again it will delete 2 more, leaving the first.

And if I run the script the 3 rd time it will delete the last pending order.

//|                                               delete_pending.mq4 |
//|                      Copyright © 2004, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                              |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2004, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""

//| script "delete first pending order"                              |
int start()
   bool   result;
   int    cmd,total;
   for(int i=0; i<total; i++)
         if(OrderType() !=  OP_BUY &&  OrderType() != OP_SELL)
if anyone can help me fix it, thx a bunch.
chingching wrote >>

I got this script off this forum. I modified it a little, but basically the same and has only half worked in either case.

If i have 6 pending orders it will delete the last 3 placed. When i instigate the script again it will delete 2 more, leaving the first.

And if I run the script the 3 rd time it will delete the last pending order.

if anyone can help me fix it, thx a bunch.

Change the loop so that it counts from total-1 down to 0. That should fix your problem.

- Tovan

tovan wrote >>

Change the loop so that it counts from total-1 down to 0. That should fix your problem.

- Tovan


i changed it to



Your script seems to be ok but what happen if your I/O operations (SelectOrder, DeleteOrder) are not ok (return code != 0) ?

and why using : Sleep(1000);?