Is there hidden application backdoors in MT4 ?? - page 3

ATC - I bet the conditions of the championship dictate that all EA's become propperty of MQ's?

As i remember, the rules don't say that.



VI. Experts' Codes Safety and Non-Disclosure

  1. The Organizer guarantees that all Experts' files received from Participants (including custom indicators and libraries) will be immediately deleted as soon as the Championship finishes, provided that the Participant has not authorized their publishing.
  2. The Organizer guarantees that only MetaQuotes Software Corp. authorized staff will access to the Participants' programs.
  3. In case of the Jury's well-grounded claims against the Participant's program and of the Participant's audit engagement, the trilateral (respectively, by the Jury, the Organizer, the Participant) audit will be performed. If the Participant refuses to be engaged into audit, he or she can be disqualified.

The only thing I would say is listen the ports !

As i remember, the rules don't say that.

Do you check your PM everyday?


I am NOT accusing MetaQuotes for for anything here, I'm only speaking up on some concerns that I have.

I would like MetaQuotes to submit their sourcecode for scrutiny by independent western security firms, and have the code
( including updates) certified free of application backdoors.
IF MetaQuotes has clean hands and want to appear as a serious company this should also be in their interest.

Knowing the Russian origin of MetaQuotes I would be surprised if they haven't already (or will in some future update)
put backdoor functionality into their code... purpose would be to steal profitable indicators or EAs that might come to their
attention... profitable code could even be reported back to MetaQuotes by MT4, saying "come take me!"

If MetaQuotes IS a trustworthy and serious business they will let this post stand,
but I suspect this post will be removed as soon as they see it.

"... the RUSSIAN origins .." This is a racist slur. I am an Australian and I object

to offensive tripe like this being posted. Apologise and edit your

post or remove it.


I think Daytrader's comment concerning Russia or MetaTrader's origin is more than inappropriate. Please let's leave that aside. However I want to pick up this topic again because I often thought about this yet.

If you're serious in starting a business with MT as a basis, then you need to know exactly what this software is doing so that you can be sure, that there will not grow a clone of your business on the other side of the world.

Just my opinion.


I agree with you on one thing: MQ shouldn't even dare to put such backdoors in their code, because IF they got caught it would be equal to commercial suicide... noone, be it brokers or traders would use MT.

Looks like I've opened a can of worms here, and people are getting upset and agitated.

I suggest we should just put this thread to rest at this point.


I guess the only definite way out of this dilemma is - once you start to suspect that your EA could potentially be the wholy grail, continue testing offline - i.e. on a machine where you installed all the necessary data files and which has not network connection whatsoever.

Once you are sure about the magic profitability oy your expert, port the code to another language, make your own data feed and enter the trades manually to any broker, so no one can get a hand on the actual algorithm.

I guess that's about the only save way to handle the grail - at least that's how I'd do it, if I had one.

Any platform, be it Meta-, Ninja- or whatever Trader could always potentially steal the source code of a trading system - no matter how much you watch the ports and where https connections go to!
