Problems sending email or text messages from MetaTrader


Hey guys,

I went through the forums looking for help to see why I wasn't able to send email or text alerts from MetaTrader. I didn't find much but what I found on my own was that most ISPs or online email sites require that the "My Server Requires Authentication" box be checked. MetaTrader doesn't provide for this setup. Sooo, my solution? Find a SMTP provider online that doesn't require authentication. I'm currently using Their family plan is 30 emails/day for only USD22 per year. Hope this helps others with similiar problems.


Try Gmail


Hey guys,

I went through the forums looking for help to see why I wasn't able to send email or text alerts from MetaTrader. I didn't find much but what I found on my own was that most ISPs or online email sites require that the "My Server Requires Authentication" box be checked. MetaTrader doesn't provide for this setup. Sooo, my solution? Find a SMTP provider online that doesn't require authentication. I'm currently using Their family plan is 30 emails/day for only USD22 per year. Hope this helps others with similiar problems.



MT4 does support authentication - hence the username and password fields which appear together with the smtp server address field in the email setup dialog box.

MT4 just doesn't support SSL connectivity to smtp server. And it doesn't support text.

If you need to point MT4 to a specific port number on the service provider's smtp server, then just include it by adding it after a ":" at the end of the IP address.


MT4 doesn't support text alerting natively.

If you need to send text, then some service providers offer an email to sms gateway as part of the service. You'll then need to configure something like as the target email address.

cloudbreaker wrote >>



MT4 does support authentication - hence the username and password fields which appear together with the smtp server address field in the email setup dialog box.

MT4 just doesn't support SSL connectivity to smtp server. And it doesn't support text.

If you need to point MT4 to a specific port number on the service provider's smtp server, then just include it by adding it after a ":" at the end of the IP address.


MT4 doesn't support text alerting natively.

If you need to send text, then some service providers offer an email to sms gateway as part of the service. You'll then need to configure something like as the target email address.

Wow cloudbreaker! Way to jump all over this one... I'm pretty sure we are saying the same thing, but let me clarify for others who come by this post:

If you are using an email client such as OutLook and you try to copy your account settings to MetaTrader you will be disappointed if your email provider requires that the "My Server Requires Authentication" box be checked. This is because MetaTrader does not allow SSL connectivity. The solution is to find a smtp provider that doesn't require this authentication. Obviously you are still going to need your login name and password. As far as texting goes, you are correct. I use the setup for my cell provider. There are several websites out there that list all the major providers and the target email address format. Hope this helps others out there.

Roger wrote >>

Try Gmail

Hey Roger,

I have tried Gmail along with other web-based email servers. All the ones that I have tried have all required authentication. If you are able to get Gmail to work for you, please let me know what settings you're using. I'm still using the trial period for and I'd love to use a free service if available.


Wow cloudbreaker! Way to jump all over this one... I'm pretty sure we are saying the same thing, but let me clarify for others who come by this post:

If you are using an email client such as OutLook and you try to copy your account settings to MetaTrader you will be disappointed if your email provider requires that the "My Server Requires Authentication" box be checked. This is because MetaTrader does not allow SSL connectivity. The solution is to find a smtp provider that doesn't require this authentication. Obviously you are still going to need your login name and password. As far as texting goes, you are correct. I use the setup for my cell provider. There are several websites out there that list all the major providers and the target email address format. Hope this helps others out there.

La BombaGrande, you're using your terminology incorrectly. You are confusing authentication and SSL (privacy) when the two are independent.

Authentication can be provided (and is provided with a lot of smtp providers) without the requirement for SSL - authentication is supported in MT4.

SSL provides encryption - not authentication - SSL is not supported in MT4.

Main components of a security model are (PAIN):

- P - Privacy - afforded in this case by SSL

- A - Authentication (ie. you are who you say you are) - afforded in this case by username/password

- I - Integrity - the message has not been tampered with between creation and receipt - not supported in smtp

- N - Non-repudiation - auditable evidence that the authenticated party is responsible for all parts of the 'transaction' - not supported in smtp

Apologies if you think I'm being a 'PAIN', but I feel you will confuse folks by stating that they need to find a service which doesn't require this 'authentication'.

I hope we're still friends. ;-)

cloudbreaker wrote >>

La BombaGrande, you're using your terminology incorrectly. You are confusing authentication and SSL (privacy) when the two are independent.

Authentication can be provided (and is provided with a lot of smtp providers) without the requirement for SSL - authentication is supported in MT4.

SSL provides encryption - not authentication - SSL is not supported in MT4.

Main components of a security model are (PAIN):

- P - Privacy - afforded in this case by SSL

- A - Authentication (ie. you are who you say you are) - afforded in this case by username/password

- I - Integrity - the message has not been tampered with between creation and receipt - not supported in smtp

- N - Non-repudiation - auditable evidence that the authenticated party is responsible for all parts of the 'transaction' - not supported in smtp

Apologies if you think I'm being a 'PAIN', but I feel you will confuse folks by stating that they need to find a service which doesn't require this 'authentication'.

I hope we're still friends. ;-)

Hey cloudbreaker,

Sorry if the terminology wasn't specific. Let me rephrase that sentence--"The solution is to find a smtp provider that doesn't require this authentication box to be checked."" Way to make sure things are clear!

Sure, we can be friends... :-)


Hey cloudbreaker,

Sorry if the terminology wasn't specific. Let me rephrase that sentence--"The solution is to find a smtp provider that doesn't require this authentication box to be checked."" Way to make sure things are clear!

Sure, we can be friends... :-)

Aargh. Please call it an SSL box. Its not actually anything to do with authentication per se. SSL is just providing (or not as is the case) an encrypted sleeve, inside which smtp transactions, including smtp authentication and message passing can happen independently.

cloudbreaker wrote >>

Aargh. Please call it an SSL box. Its not actually anything to do with authentication per se. SSL is just providing (or not as is the case) an encrypted sleeve, inside which smtp transactions, including smtp authentication and message passing can happen independently.

I'm trying to make it easy for others who have the same problem! Most email providers require the "My server requires authentication" checkbox in Microsoft Outlook to be checked. If your email provider requires this, you will need to find another smtp server, such as It's not really that hard to understand if you look at the context.

LaBombaGrande wrote >>

Hey Roger,

I have tried Gmail along with other web-based email servers. All the ones that I have tried have all required authentication. If you are able to get Gmail to work for you, please let me know what settings you're using. I'm still using the trial period for and I'd love to use a free service if available.

Yes, you right, Gmail is useless for you. Try this interesting thing


I'm trying to make it easy for others who have the same problem! Most email providers require the "My server requires authentication" checkbox in Microsoft Outlook to be checked. If your email provider requires this, you will need to find another smtp server, such as It's not really that hard to understand if you look at the context.

Sorry LaBombaGrande, what you are saying is just not true. MT4 DOES INDEED support smtp servers which require the "My server requires authentication" checkbox in MS Outlook to be checked!!

My own provider's smtp server requires authentication. And I have to check the 'My server requires authentication' box in Outlook. However, the very same server works for me in MT4.

The box you are talking about is a different checkbox. Microsoft have variously called it "This server requires a secure connection (SSL)"  and "Log on Secure Password Authentication". This latter variation is a bit confusing in itself and the emphasis is on the word 'Secure' meaning that authentication (which works for MT4) would need to be carried out within an SSL session (which doesn't work in MT4).

If you follow this link and refer to the dialog box picture in Outlook 2007 (point 8), you'll see that the checkbox you refer to is ticked. This would work fine for MT4.

The checkbox you're confusing it with, and which will cause the problems is the second last item.

For Outlook Express (point 10), this would also work for MT4 (the offending SSL checkbox is in the page behind the Settings... button).

Most providers will use port 25 for smtp and this is the default in MT4.

They may use a different port for servers which require authentication and this is configured in MT4 by putting a colon and the port number after the IP address or fully-qualified host name  eg.

They may use still a different port number for SSL connections and as we've said, this would not work

Bottom line:

Users who have to check the box you mentioned will still get MT4 to work as long as their provider doesn't additionally require SSL.