Strategy tester advanced computing. (Using multi core cpu or GPU)


Hello, right now, I have a lot of EA's in testing / optimization waiting other tests to be done. And it's take lot of time to (even with fast cpu (in my situation it's E6300@3.5ghz)) calculate all that information.

So I have few questions:

Is there any possibility that MT4 tester will have multi core cpu support soon?

Is it possable (theoretically) to make tester using Nvidia CUDA? So GPU can calculate much more faster than cpu. <--- Iam really intreseted in this part!

And yes, there is no option to do less tests. :)

Any ideas?


Hello, right now, I have a lot of EA's in testing / optimization waiting other tests to be done. And it's take lot of time to (even with fast cpu (in my situation it's E6300@3.5ghz)) calculate all that information.

So I have few questions:

Is there any possibility that MT4 tester will have multi core cpu support soon?

Is it possable (theoretically) to make tester using Nvidia CUDA? So GPU can calculate much more faster than cpu. <--- Iam really intreseted in this part!

And yes, there is no option to do less tests. :)

Any ideas?

Copy terminal's folder "c:\metatrader", or similar on your computer, to other folders "c:\metatrader_1", "c:\metatrader_2",...,"c:\metatrader_n". You can run several instances of metatrader, by running terminal.exe, so that you can test several EAs at a time.


Iam allready doing that, but its isn't enough. :)

Problem is there that one EA test lasts over one week and its sux to put on each core different optimization parameters,

like I want to test from 1 to 10 so

I put 1 to 5 on first core

5 to 10 on second core

But at the end I finish with two reports and allways thre is human error possability. :)

PS. So gpu computing is impossable in this? It's sad, GPU could calculate this in few hours.