mql4 is easy???


At the First time I was read, how to construct an EA is easy ?? What we need just only Three Function, Just int init, int deinit, int start. Oh it will be not so difficult.

And then I Tryed it,....

Just to Code Simply Basic of Trading " Buy at Low And Sell at High Prices "

What I get?? It not Easy man, really,............ It suck Our Soul in it It suck our Soul, How about you??


Excellent effort, if thats your first EA, can I have a copy of your second? :)

And yes, Forex has bitten my a** and MQ4 has sucked my soul - but I feel better for the experience and am out the other side now :D

Good Luck



At the First time I was read, how to construct an EA is easy ?? What we need just only Three Function, Just int init, int deinit, int start. Oh it will be not so difficult.

And then I Tryed it,....

Just to Code Simply Basic of Trading " Buy at Low And Sell at High Prices "

What I get?? It not Easy man, really,............ It suck Our Soul in it It suck our Soul, How about you??

Computer programming is difficult for non-programmers. Just like surgery is difficult for non-surgeons.

The difference is that the IT industry is un-regulated, so anyone can have a go. I reckon that's a good thing.

What pisses me off on these forums are the number of folks who are arrogant enough to think its easy without training.

Nunungsubarja - thanks for for your support in pointing this out.

could you do like a 5 year backtest with this ea of yours, would definitely give us a clue of its outlook.... nice work anyhow :)

Nung, MQL4 is easy !. But it became totally useless without market analysis. I have no IT background. But now I understand MQL4. Your EA is awesome, do share its indy with us. What is that, ? Is that scalping ? What do you use, SAR, with BB and what else, Nung ?


Nung, MQL4 is easy !. But it became totally useless without market analysis. I have no IT background. But now I understand MQL4. Your EA is awesome, do share its indy with us. What is that, ? Is that scalping ? What do you use, SAR, with BB and what else, Nung ?

Market analysis ehm Foundamental Analysis is another Side of this EA, This EA just base on Technical Indicator, Enter Trading just as long as Indicator Triggered Signal is On


Market analysis ehm Foundamental Analysis is another Side of this EA, This EA just base on Technical Indicator, Enter Trading just as long as Indicator Triggered Signal is On


it seems that you have done some EA

can you help me to construct one please

i am new to this and need help


> can you help me to construct one please

See the Sample EA's that come with MetaTrader



Market analysis ehm Foundamental Analysis is another Side of this EA, This EA just base on Technical Indicator, Enter Trading just as long as Indicator Triggered Signal is On

hi nunungsbarja

Your EA is great and I am trying to do something similar, but I can not understand the indicator You use. I do not want to make a copy of your system. I just want to understand, how it enter the market.

Please mail me if You want...

Thank You


hi nunungsbarja

Your EA is great and I am trying to do something similar, but I can not understand the indicator You use. I do not want to make a copy of your system. I just want to understand, how it enter the market.

Please mail me if You want...

Thank You

send me the code aswell

like to c it



Can i test your EA, please : )