Can not create a decimal fraction


The following MQL4 code results in the "a" value of zero:

double a=1;

for (int i=0; i<4; i++)




Print ("a is ",a);

Output: "a is 0".

Should I make "a" equal to 100000 initially, then the output is "10".

How can I get "0.0001" (The pip value :))?

Thank you in advance :).

double a=1.0;
PVA wrote >>

The following MQL4 code results in the "a" value of zero:

double a=1;

for (int i=0; i<4; i++)




Print ("a is ",a);

Output: "a is 0".

Should I make "a" equal to 100000 initially, then the output is "10".

How can I get "0.0001" (The pip value :))?

Thank you in advance :).

if it is pip value why not use Point; What is Poiint -> from the help file of MetaEditor

double Point
The current symbol point value in the quote currency.