Help! Please!

I would like to take the buy and sell signals of an uncompiled indicator and use them in an EA. The indicator produces Lime arrows pointing up for a buy signal and Red arrows pointing down for a sell signal. Is it possible to extract enough information from the indicator without having the compiled code of the indicator? Which actually brings up another question. Is it possible to compile and see the code of an uncompiled indicator or EA? Is there anybody out there that can help me with these questions? If so, please respond.

Check out the buffers of the indicator. For instance:

Also reference this:


If you want to use a compiled (EX4) indicator in an EA, refer to this:

jmca wrote >>

Check out the buffers of the indicator. For instance:

Also reference this:


If you want to use a compiled (EX4) indicator in an EA, refer to this:

Thanks for the response and the info. Now that I'm up to speed on compiled and uncompiled files I have a couple more questions. Is it possible to extract the code from a compiled program or do I need the uncompiled version? And, I understand what you are saying about the buffers, but how do I transfer that information from the indicator to the EA using the iCustom function? If possible could you write a snippet of code showing how you transfer indicator buffer info into useable code in the EA. Once again I appreciate your response and help and hope you can further elaborate for my understanding.


You need a de-compiler for EX4. It's not nice to decompile, more than likely you are stealing somebody's code. If you want to use the indicator with the EA, you use .

iCustom(currency pair, time frame, indicator name, indicator buffer, bar)

double someValue = iCustom(Symbol(), PERIOD_D1, "some indicator", 1, 0);
jmca wrote >>

You need a de-compiler for EX4. It's not nice to decompile, more than likely you are stealing somebody's code. If you want to use the indicator with the EA, you use iCustom.

iCustom(currency pair, time frame, indicator name, indicator buffer, bar)

Thanks again. It's not my intention to steal anybody's code. I was given the indicator in EX4 and contacted the author before posting here with my intention to use indicator in EA as author did not restrict its use when he gave it to me. Haven't heard back from him, yet, but will drop de-compiling until I hear from him. I'm assuming it's ok to use the indicator in its given form in an EA as long as I don't alter it in anyway. Again, I want to be on the up and up with this and intend to use it personally. Thanks again.