Serious EA Programmer Needed. - page 3


Indeed jin, but I provided such theories to attract the right programmer for the job. I didn't go too far, just far enough. For example in the "world" we live in today people actually believe that Mr Buffet is the world riches man. Maybe in their matrix world. Perhaps they don't understand what a central bank is and how it operates and who has stake in it. If people only understood the incomprehensible wealth that the private owners of the Federal Reserve Bank had they would pee their pants, but this level of dialogue is above the heads of many, and beyond the scope of why I am here.

Look, I need to know if I can find a programmer who is: In or Out. Otherwise I can learn the language myself, at the expensive of my time. Which is Plan B. The Above was A.

If your system is that good why would you not be willing to pay the programmer for his services ? You would get your money back when your completed EA trades that system multiple times over.

Surely you must realise everyone who wants to hire a programmer thinks his system is "the one" otherwise he wouldnt be trying to get a programmer to code it. The result of that is, if the programmer was to code every EA for free just because the author of the system claimed it would be "the one" That programmer would be working his ass off on the computer week after week for zero income, what do you think would happen to that programmers bills every month