Serious EA Programmer Needed.


The number of years of trading is moot at this stage. I am a Trader. I have a great algorithm, but know little to nothing about MQL4. The system is based on the very building blocks

of life itself DNA Im trying to save it as a template so that it could be viewed and analyzed. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.


icq: 161130815

skype: andrew.opeyda


njel wrote >>

icq: 161130815

skype: andrew.opeyda


I wrote that I needed a serious programmer for a serious system Im looking to make an EA. I was hoping we could collaborate on this, but I have an inclination that you want to charge me for your services? If this is the case I am sorry for not being more specific. This is NO ordinary system I personally turned a small sample of $25 into approximately $383 in 4 days and I have the statement to PROVE it. That's about 1520% - Trading it manually. I was so confident in the system I was using 1% PER PIP of my trading balance on a 1:200 mini account, now before the jaws drop, you see it's not about the money that's going to make you the most money in the markets, it's about the mathematics and physics, for how can 1+1 in basic math equal anything but 2? regardless of how much money Im betting on it. Think about this in the realm of a scientific theory if you will.

I have so far what I call a base algorithm which is as easy as 2+2=4+1=5. But I need something else to make this Beast (appropriately used, i.e. the splitting of the atom is good, but also has its inherent evil) come alive fully, so I need someone with a trained eye for code to help me build a super algorithm, if you will. Most of my testing is done on the EUR/USD 1min chart, this is why I can afford to trade with such high leverage, and after further testing (manually) I realized just by looking at the indicator that I created (it has arrows, color coordinated) which is an algorithm, that I can make on avergage 21 trades a day {24hrs} with draw downs as little as 0-10 pips on average. Pips per trade at about 15. This system is extremely dynamical in nature being that when followed correctly (this is why I need an EA algorithm, no human mistakes) it becomes physically impossible to not enter a trade at the same time that you are exiting it and always for a profit, if not break even. The only thing that ruins this mathematical harmoney (pun) is the spread. In other words what I think I stumbled upon here is a beautiful mathematical proof, the theorem being that there is order in the markets and all points are interconnected in a seamless weave of numbers.

Sorry for the long post, but I had to get this off my chest. I am looking for a serious collaboration and expect to not pay a dime for what I personally believe could be potentially priceless. It is about the work - the math and the physics. Detail's and parameters of my system has been satisfied accordingly, so I won't be worried about "who's the originator" I can prove physically this system is all mine so you would not want to capitalize here, or you may be penalized here, but instead contribute to this work in progress.

My real question is how far will the money scientist let me go? Is it true that the new consciousness of money will be more are more numbers? as it is impossbile to pay off our national debts when money is debt. Is there an expansion and growing of the human brain as how we perceive money? For example will it be a custom for real estate prices to one day be 1 billion dollars as the norm? And as easy to comprehend as $100,000? will the prices of our worlds goods become more and more dense to the point where we undertand a loaf of bread is $1,000,000 dollars but may me written as 1m for the price? From my understanding this is one theory discussed in this New World Order. The infinity of numbers, the more and more money that is made the density is increased where upon the understanding of it forces the pineal gland (all seeing eye) to become perpetually awakened because it is the energy from the money that is ultimately passing and flowing through our brains to awaken consciousness. Why do you think some "traders" can make returns of 300% a month? Does anyone understand one of the hidden agendas of the interbank system? You see, they want you to triple your money in a week. What are you afraid of? They'll know exactly what you are doing with all that money anyway. Trust me. You see it all the time 300% a month - there experiments and projects are right in front of your face and they are extremly successful. What should happen if you keep on tripling your money every month for 5 years starting with $1000? We all know the answer to this simple math problem, but all those who have went so far got afraid...fear is what you feel at times when your intelligence is growing...and have yet to really surface. They say alien technology is all amongt us and in us, and they say some of them are 1000 times more advanced and smarter than our race. I will cut this discussion short before some closed minded individual starts to throw innuendo's. I have already went too far. Thanks for having an open mind.


I suggest you take a metaphysics class :)

Put simple, you have an idea for a trading system that you have developed and that you have traded manually at a profit, and you want an experienced developer/trader to cast an expert eye over your system, possibly enhance it and code it up for you. You don't want to pay them, you want them to take your idea as payment.

The fact that you have proof is of little concern, there are a number of reasonably skilled developers here who would be more than happy to help you out and would not charge your a thing, they have skill and lack strategy only.

I wish you and your future partner the best of luck.

densial wrote >>

I suggest you take a metaphysics class :)

Put simple, you have an idea for a trading system that you have developed and that you have traded manually at a profit, and you want an experienced developer/trader to cast an expert eye over your system, possibly enhance it and code it up for you. You don't want to pay them, you want them to take your idea as payment.

The fact that you have proof is of little concern, there are a number of reasonably skilled developers here who would be more than happy to help you out and would not charge your a thing, they have skill and lack strategy only.

I wish you and your future partner the best of luck.

Thanks, don't take this anyway, but I don't believe in luck. Thanks again.


Thanks, don't take this anyway, but I don't believe in luck. Thanks again.

no worries. Many people feel the same way, I don't, I believe in luck, both good and bad. But I also believe it's possible to stack the odds in your favor.

As an example, if you stand on one side of a busy motorway, close your eye's and walk to the other side unscathed, is that luck or strategy? Common sense says your should have been hit, and if you try it again you most probably would be, but there's always that 1/100 chance you will make it across in one piece.

So if you try it 100 times and make it once, is that luck or strategy? Certainly not strategy, anyone will tell you if you're betting your life you want a better than 1/100 chance of winning, so in this case it's statistics, and getting it first time is called luck.

We all know if you read an indicator in a certain way something should happen, but we ALSO know that often it does not. It's a well subscribed concept amongst MQL4 developers that no indicator works all the time, but some combination may work more often than some other combination, and that combinations age, an EA that made money a year ago might not any more. Is it strategy or luck to use a method as it's returning a profit, and is it strategy or luck when it stops working?

obviously there's a lot more I could say, just some food for thought :)

TheSpecialist wrote >>

I wrote that I needed a serious programmer for a serious system Im looking to make an EA. I was hoping we could collaborate on this, but I have an inclination that you want to charge me for your services? If this is the case I am sorry for not being more specific. This is NO ordinary system I personally turned a small sample of $25 into approximately $383 in 4 days and I have the statement to PROVE it. That's about 1520% - Trading it manually. I was so confident in the system I was using 1% PER PIP of my trading balance on a 1:200 mini account, now before the jaws drop, you see it's not about the money that's going to make you the most money in the markets, it's about the mathematics and physics, for how can 1+1 in basic math equal anything but 2? regardless of how much money Im betting on it. Think about this in the realm of a scientific theory if you will.

I have so far what I call a base algorithm which is as easy as 2+2=4+1=5. But I need something else to make this Beast (appropriately used, i.e. the splitting of the atom is good, but also has its inherent evil) come alive fully, so I need someone with a trained eye for code to help me build a super algorithm, if you will. Most of my testing is done on the EUR/USD 1min chart, this is why I can afford to trade with such high leverage, and after further testing (manually) I realized just by looking at the indicator that I created (it has arrows, color coordinated) which is an algorithm, that I can make on avergage 21 trades a day {24hrs} with draw downs as little as 0-10 pips on average. Pips per trade at about 15. This system is extremely dynamical in nature being that when followed correctly (this is why I need an EA algorithm, no human mistakes) it becomes physically impossible to not enter a trade at the same time that you are exiting it and always for a profit, if not break even. The only thing that ruins this mathematical harmoney (pun) is the spread. In other words what I think I stumbled upon here is a beautiful mathematical proof, the theorem being that there is order in the markets and all points are interconnected in a seamless weave of numbers.

Sorry for the long post, but I had to get this off my chest. I am looking for a serious collaboration and expect to not pay a dime for what I personally believe could be potentially priceless. It is about the work - the math and the physics. Detail's and parameters of my system has been satisfied accordingly, so I won't be worried about "who's the originator" I can prove physically this system is all mine so you would not want to capitalize here, or you may be penalized here, but instead contribute to this work in progress.

My real question is how far will the money scientist let me go? Is it true that the new consciousness of money will be more are more numbers? as it is impossbile to pay off our national debts when money is debt. Is there an expansion and growing of the human brain as how we perceive money? For example will it be a custom for real estate prices to one day be 1 billion dollars as the norm? And as easy to comprehend as $100,000? will the prices of our worlds goods become more and more dense to the point where we undertand a loaf of bread is $1,000,000 dollars but may me written as 1m for the price? From my understanding this is one theory discussed in this New World Order. The infinity of numbers, the more and more money that is made the density is increased where upon the understanding of it forces the pineal gland (all seeing eye) to become perpetually awakened because it is the energy from the money that is ultimately passing and flowing through our brains to awaken consciousness. Why do you think some "traders" can make returns of 300% a month? Does anyone understand one of the hidden agendas of the interbank system? You see, they want you to triple your money in a week. What are you afraid of? They'll know exactly what you are doing with all that money anyway. Trust me. You see it all the time 300% a month - there experiments and projects are right in front of your face and they are extremly successful. What should happen if you keep on tripling your money every month for 5 years starting with $1000? We all know the answer to this simple math problem, but all those who have went so far got afraid...fear is what you feel at times when your intelligence is growing...and have yet to really surface. They say alien technology is all amongt us and in us, and they say some of them are 1000 times more advanced and smarter than our race. I will cut this discussion short before some closed minded individual starts to throw innuendo's. I have already went too far. Thanks for having an open mind.

Maybe a proof can attract more fx coder.

Just my 2 cents



Thanks, don't take this anyway, but I don't believe in luck. Thanks again.

I'm one of those "skilled developers." I sent you a private message but did not get a reply.. maybe you didn't see it. Or, maybe this post is really just about philosophy, aliens, and Unification Theory.

Either way, profit on a 4 day test hardly amounts to a successful strategy.

heartnet wrote >>

Maybe a proof can attract more fx coder.

Just my 2 cents


Once I get the "coder" then I will easily provide proof. Are you one of these coders heartnet?

jingodelcuyo wrote >>

I'm one of those "skilled developers." I sent you a private message but did not get a reply.. maybe you didn't see it. Or, maybe this post is really just about philosophy, aliens, and Unification Theory.

Either way, profit on a 4 day test hardly amounts to a successful strategy.

Indeed jin, but I provided such theories to attract the right programmer for the job. I didn't go too far, just far enough. For example in the "world" we live in today people actually believe that Mr Buffet is the world riches man. Maybe in their matrix world. Perhaps they don't understand what a central bank is and how it operates and who has stake in it. If people only understood the incomprehensible wealth that the private owners of the Federal Reserve Bank had they would pee their pants, but this level of dialogue is above the heads of many, and beyond the scope of why I am here.

Look, I need to know if I can find a programmer who is: In or Out. Otherwise I can learn the language myself, at the expensive of my time. Which is Plan B. The Above was A.

TheSpecialist wrote >>

Indeed jin, but I provided such theories to attract the right programmer for the job. I didn't go too far, just far enough. For example in the "world" we live in today people actually believe that Mr Buffet is the world riches man. Maybe in their matrix world. Perhaps they don't understand what a central bank is and how it operates and who has stake in it. If people only understood the incomprehensible wealth that the private owners of the Federal Reserve Bank had they would pee their pants, but this level of dialogue is above the heads of many, and beyond the scope of why I am here.

Look, I need to know if I can find a programmer who is: In or Out. Otherwise I can learn the language myself, at the expensive of my time. Which is Plan B. The Above was A.

.. let's see if i am in or out :-)

u can write me to
