Need help!!!Half done ea for reversal



i am new to forex ea world.but anyway i have coded a

i want to add a code so that my ea closes the trade before new bar opens.i.e if its a 30 min timeframe it closes trade in that 30 min.

and also when the ea opens a trade the stoploss should be recent low of same bar it has entered

if it is impossible to do both of these stated above so please try to put an audible alert when a trade is triggered.

i dont want inbuilt stoploss and take profit.

this is independent of time frame.

please help me out.

this is a manual system and is quite profitable.

here is the code:

//| This MQL is generated by Expert Advisor Builder |
//| |
//| |
//| In no event will author be liable for any damages whatsoever. |
//| Use at your own risk. |
//| |
//+------------------- DO NOT REMOVE THIS HEADER --------------------+

#define SIGNAL_NONE 0
#define SIGNAL_BUY 1
#define SIGNAL_SELL 2

#property copyright "Expert Advisor Builder"
#property link ""

extern int MagicNumber = 0;
extern bool SignalMail = False;
extern bool EachTickMode = True;
extern double Lots = 1.0;
extern int Slippage = 2;
extern bool UseStopLoss = True;
extern int StopLoss = 30;
extern bool UseTakeProfit = True;
extern int TakeProfit = 60;
extern bool UseTrailingStop = True;
extern int TrailingStop = 30;

int BarCount;
int Current;
bool TickCheck = False;
//| expert initialization function |
int init() {
BarCount = Bars;

if (EachTickMode) Current = 0; else Current = 1;

//| expert deinitialization function |
int deinit() {
//| expert start function |
int start() {
int Order = SIGNAL_NONE;
int Total, Ticket;
double StopLossLevel, TakeProfitLevel;

if (EachTickMode && Bars != BarCount) TickCheck = False;
Total = OrdersTotal();

//| Variable Begin |

double Var1 = iOpen(NULL, 0, Current + 1);

double Buy1_1 = iOpen(NULL, 0, Current + 1);
double Buy1_2 = iClose(NULL, 0, Current + 1);
double Buy2_1 = iLow(NULL, 0, Current + 1);
double Buy2_2 = iLow(NULL, 0, Current + 0);
double Buy3_1 = iOpen(NULL, 0, Current + 0);
double Buy3_2 = iClose(NULL, 0, Current + 0);

double Sell1_1 = iOpen(NULL, 0, Current + 1);
double Sell1_2 = iClose(NULL, 0, Current + 1);
double Sell2_1 = iHigh(NULL, 0, Current + 1);
double Sell2_2 = iHigh(NULL, 0, Current + 0);
double Sell3_1 = iOpen(NULL, 0, Current + 0);
double Sell3_2 = iClose(NULL, 0, Current + 0);

//| Variable End |

//Check position
bool IsTrade = False;

for (int i = 0; i < Total; i ++) {
if(OrderType() <= OP_SELL && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) {
IsTrade = True;
if(OrderType() == OP_BUY) {

//| Signal Begin(Exit Buy) |

//| Signal End(Exit Buy) |

if (Order == SIGNAL_CLOSEBUY && ((EachTickMode && !TickCheck) || (!EachTickMode && (Bars != BarCount)))) {
OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, Slippage, MediumSeaGreen);
if (SignalMail) SendMail("[Signal Alert]", "[" + Symbol() + "] " + DoubleToStr(Bid, Digits) + " Close Buy");
if (!EachTickMode) BarCount = Bars;
IsTrade = False;
//Trailing stop
if(UseTrailingStop && TrailingStop > 0) {
if(Bid - OrderOpenPrice() > Point * TrailingStop) {
if(OrderStopLoss() < Bid - Point * TrailingStop) {
OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), Bid - Point * TrailingStop, OrderTakeProfit(), 0, MediumSeaGreen);
if (!EachTickMode) BarCount = Bars;
} else {

//| Signal Begin(Exit Sell) |

//| Signal End(Exit Sell) |

if (Order == SIGNAL_CLOSESELL && ((EachTickMode && !TickCheck) || (!EachTickMode && (Bars != BarCount)))) {
OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, Slippage, DarkOrange);
if (SignalMail) SendMail("[Signal Alert]", "[" + Symbol() + "] " + DoubleToStr(Ask, Digits) + " Close Sell");
if (!EachTickMode) BarCount = Bars;
IsTrade = False;
//Trailing stop
if(UseTrailingStop && TrailingStop > 0) {
if((OrderOpenPrice() - Ask) > (Point * TrailingStop)) {
if((OrderStopLoss() > (Ask + Point * TrailingStop)) || (OrderStopLoss() == 0)) {
OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), Ask + Point * TrailingStop, OrderTakeProfit(), 0, DarkOrange);
if (!EachTickMode) BarCount = Bars;

//| Signal Begin(Entry) |

if (Buy1_1 > Buy1_2 && Buy2_1 > Buy2_2 && Buy3_1 == Buy3_2) Order = SIGNAL_BUY;

if (Sell1_1 < Sell1_2 && Sell2_1 < Sell2_2 && Sell3_1 == Sell3_2) Order = SIGNAL_SELL;

//| Signal End |

if (Order == SIGNAL_BUY && ((EachTickMode && !TickCheck) || (!EachTickMode && (Bars != BarCount)))) {
if(!IsTrade) {
//Check free margin
if (AccountFreeMargin() < (1000 * Lots)) {
Print("We have no money. Free Margin = ", AccountFreeMargin());

if (UseStopLoss) StopLossLevel = Ask - StopLoss * Point; else StopLossLevel = 0.0;
if (UseTakeProfit) TakeProfitLevel = Ask + TakeProfit * Point; else TakeProfitLevel = 0.0;

Ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, Lots, Ask, Slippage, StopLossLevel, TakeProfitLevel, "Buy(#" + MagicNumber + ")", MagicNumber, 0, DodgerBlue);
if(Ticket > 0) {
if (OrderSelect(Ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES)) {
Print("BUY order opened : ", OrderOpenPrice());
if (SignalMail) SendMail("[Signal Alert]", "[" + Symbol() + "] " + DoubleToStr(Ask, Digits) + " Open Buy");
} else {
Print("Error opening BUY order : ", GetLastError());
if (EachTickMode) TickCheck = True;
if (!EachTickMode) BarCount = Bars;

if (Order == SIGNAL_SELL && ((EachTickMode && !TickCheck) || (!EachTickMode && (Bars != BarCount)))) {
if(!IsTrade) {
//Check free margin
if (AccountFreeMargin() < (1000 * Lots)) {
Print("We have no money. Free Margin = ", AccountFreeMargin());

if (UseStopLoss) StopLossLevel = Bid + StopLoss * Point; else StopLossLevel = 0.0;
if (UseTakeProfit) TakeProfitLevel = Bid - TakeProfit * Point; else TakeProfitLevel = 0.0;

Ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, Lots, Bid, Slippage, StopLossLevel, TakeProfitLevel, "Sell(#" + MagicNumber + ")", MagicNumber, 0, DeepPink);
if(Ticket > 0) {
if (OrderSelect(Ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES)) {
Print("SELL order opened : ", OrderOpenPrice());
if (SignalMail) SendMail("[Signal Alert]", "[" + Symbol() + "] " + DoubleToStr(Bid, Digits) + " Open Sell");
} else {
Print("Error opening SELL order : ", GetLastError());
if (EachTickMode) TickCheck = True;
if (!EachTickMode) BarCount = Bars;

if (!EachTickMode) BarCount = Bars;



For new bar:

int barCount = 0;

int start()
   if(Bars > barCount){
      // stuff, like close an order
      barCount = Bars; 

stop loss for long position would be: Low[0] (low of the same bar)


For new bar:

stop loss for long position would be: Low[0] (low of the same bar)

as i told you i am a newbie to ea coding i coded this ea with the help of some software by adding logics.

please can you edit in the ea code and give me the complete code i will be very thankful to you.

if you back test if you will come to know it is very helpful

please help me out.


For new bar:

stop loss for long position would be: Low[0] (low of the same bar)

i request you to please code the stoploss and close trade in the ea.

i beg of you. please do it.