Need someone to program an EA for me



I have a system I trade using the Simple Moving Average (SMA), I know nothing about how to program it and am only new to metatrader. Through my own trading it can make around 1000 pips per month. If automated, thru my backtesting could make close to 2000 pips per month as you would catch trades in your sleep as well. Due to lack of time and my addiction to golf I would like to automate it ASAP. It is a very simple system and wouldnt take long to program. One guy in Australia who programs EA's said it would be easy, but he is off on holidays for a while. So, if you can program and have a good knowledge of metatrader shoot me an email at . I would prefer someone in Australia to do it for me so I can call them if any problems, but doesnt matter that much. I am willing to pay the right person for their time in helping me do this.

Look forward to replies


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I can code that for you. Depending on the size of the system I do not require payment. Since it's using Moving Averages I don't think it will be a difficult project. If you would like to talk about the project click on my icon and send me a private message.