in MT ,is there any way to sent messages to two different E-mail address?有没有办法,把信号发送到两个不同的邮箱(相同或者不同的邮箱服务器)中!


refert to the subject ! I want to know to setting in "Tools->Options->EMail tab."
the different e-mail maybe have the same POP server or not(i.e," ' 'and '' " or '' and '' ")

any way except the fllowing:

A、run two MT installed in differert disk,and in each MT setting the mail address different from the others.

B、use email self-transmit tool .

the fllowing is the same question describe in chinese:

如题,我想知道如果有办法,如何设置(记得之前好像看过一篇文章介绍说:在Options->EMail tab中收件人邮箱间以";"号隔开,但是试了一下并不能成功)




Send to one address and forward from that one to the next

any way else?!

You won't be able to send to gmail anyway from standard MT4.

Send your mail to a master account that auto-forwards to a group list.