
Can someone help me with setup of Fapturbo14 ?
kv2121 wrote >>
Can someone help me with setup of Fapturbo14 ?

What help did you need?



if u legit owner of Fapturbo

then use their documents which give total setup and live on their website


fbj is right, you should always make sure you read the FAQ and view the setup videos...if you still have problems and fapturbo support is slow you can try posting your question(s) to a community support forum such as this one:

The Forex Autopilot & FapTurbo Forum


allinvain (maybe not so :) - yes... support is almost not living - lol

interesting link you provide - i go visit ;)

i trial this as do most clickbank moneyback stuff now and then

for EA settings i experiment with, its last ~23 trades all [no losses] make profit = 395.85 USD in 4 days i got on current settings

max lot size and lot size = 0.10, moneyManagement = on and 1% risk. of course *5 if use five bots... but not like longterm system they use

but 4% still too much if did live so would work out best 2 syms and run only 2 bots @2% risk total and of course maybe microlots instead of minilots. or guess could run all 5 and step back to xx minilots...

is unreal 100k demo but is settings and [currently] consistent profit is making wat i look at.

i got running on all 5 symbols 24/7 (4 scalpers, 1 long term)

drawdown is next thing to look at - but no hurry - if crash out not bother me - just bit of fun and maybe keep maybe not.

not bother backtests - wat prove? dead data, history... mean not much. chart right edge all that matter ;)

anyway... fapturbo14??? is now fapturbo22


I dont care for the long term settings either, but the scalper is running extremely well. It has one of the best self managing programs that I have seen, no simple stop loss, most losses have been at breakeven or very small loss. The largest losses shown on their testing were between 50-60 pips, but very infrequent. I'm not sure what the internal triggers are, something more than a trailing stop.

I initialy increased the RiskReductor to 5, and this week increased it to 10, all with very positive results. I'm still waiting to see how large of a drawdown it accepts, or if it stops automaticaly at a certain level, but so far it hasnt held any trade long enough. Even in their testing I dont see any trade held for long, it must be using some sort of a time filter as well.


New information today. They tried to implement a restriction on how many accounts it could be used on, 1 real and 1 demo, but this caused lots of concerns and complaints. It already was having trouble transfering 1 account to different computers.

Now, version 22, it seems it can work on multiple computers and unlimited demo accounts, just only 1 real account.


Now you can activate an unlimited number of demo accounts
Heres the Video Link:

--> NEW VIDEO: How to activate fapturbo properly

KenL wrote >>

Now, version 22, it seems it can work on multiple computers and unlimited demo accounts, just only 1 real account.


Now you can activate an unlimited number of demo accounts
Heres the Video Link:

--> NEW VIDEO: How to activate fapturbo properly

I viewed the video and it nor the download area showed that multiple demo accounts were permitted.

Did I miss something?



yeah right... ultd demos + any h/w + one live a/c. BUT - i email them and remind them that they say [in recent email] ditch Alpari do to spreads and how they make much more when switch over fxcm but they have restricted people to ONE live a/c only - full stop - no switching etc.

" Due to alpari's spread size however the biggest one was not growing much and we decided to close it replacing by the account from FXCM.. so please keep away form alpari, their spreads are a joke and prevent fapturbo from making the gains it is capable of. "

What a joke this is - u mean they not realize that many gonna be on Alpari with LIVE A/C's? and they go say this? i tell them i could prove that left Alpari and so not have live a/c, then go with another broker and so still only have one live a/c.

This they say: "We are sorry, but it is impossible to change live accounts"

They jokers - is 'their' system and they use word impossible

wat they mean is they want soak u for all u got. i got no beef with one only live a/c - my annoy is not able leave one broker and start with another so like is deregistering one [and only] live a/c and then reregistering with one live replacement a/c. end of day still only have one live a/c licensed and allowed to use EA on live a/c.


mean spirited.. gee they give 10bucks off 'current' sell price.

for those want >1 live a/c they should [at least and at most much less] offer each new license at original purchase price of 1st EA license. like they gonna loose money?

i think only real scalpers are them - EA may appear to work at the moment but i not hold breath too long. sure i got profit as told in prev post. but not like their cust service attitude.


they gonna hold monthly meets:

" We want to help everyone with issues..thats our biggest goal for the Fapturbo community. That`s why we plan to hold a monthly meeting (mentoring class) answering questions and solving arising problems. "

joke... they gonna be so spammed with annoy messages over this only ever one live a/c activation [and unable switch another one live a/c] issue that they soon stop having big goal set of so called "...help everyone with issues"

all words [as usual] and no real action.


i sound -ve, sure do... but of course if EA work and i make back my 97usd's i not care - is [almost] worth price to see how they do robot and also more importantly [to me] wat not do. is no way that good - it makes trades, it makes income - so? can do on own and they do in quiet euro times so much easyier to 'get it right'. i read another thread, poster said that kills off trade when in profit. ie, stuff the robot. hit and run. he in way is allowing robot to make entry decision and then he use own discretion when to close order. anyway, he makes [so says] good income.


final thot is will anyone allow robot control of live a/c in a 100% unattended environment? - if unable say yes, then need good reason to not get clickbank refund imho. robot to me mean to give it total control and then i get some life back. not want turn loose and be wory wory all time!


is all interesting and learning info



I sent this email to their support, I hope it produces results for us:

Dear Sirs;
I got my FAP Turbo on November 25, 2008 which allowed multiple accounts on a single PC. Until the 25th of December I will be able to have Demo accounts at multiple brokers. This is nice, here are my results this week:
All Demo accounts are 1:100 $5,000.00 accounts and only using the Scalper technique (I tried the Long term but would have lost money).
Alpari $198.02
ForexMeta $163.88
Interbank $211.85
FXDD $239.89
ODL $332.05 I'm not sure of my math on this account because this is where I traded the long technique and I had to subtract the long trades.
Without the ability to test multiple brokers, I and others wouldn't be able to determine which broker is producing the more profit for them.
I do understand your desire to profit while others do using your software. It isn't an issue with me. If your Robot makes people money, you should make more money from us.
It would be beneficial if you could find a way for us to have multiple Demo accounts while restricting us to 1 Live account per license.
I ask you to see if you can find a way to do this.

hey Bill, i believe u got wrong way around - i just visit downloads page to reconfirm my original readings:

  • They allow unlimited demo accounts.
  • They allow one time only activation of one live account. If want more OR want change then they say you got buy new license.

IE - this taken from downloads page with my bolding, underlining of certain key words:

Note: Your Fapturbo Member License is valid only for Activation of 1 (one) Live real money account and unlimited number of Demo practice trading accounts! You are not tied to 1 PC! You are free to trade your account on any Computer at home/office/VPS!


FWIW, imho... the issue is that they DENY live account "number" activation license to be switched to another live account "number" activation license


They say in their last email to the effect: DUMP Alpari... GoTo better spread Broker


But no one can do wat they recommend UNLESS buy brand new license


IOW - with their logic, you would now have two licenses - BUT in reality because you follow wat they recommended you only now have one live account u willing to commit robot on (in so-called better spread Broker) unless of course, you continue use eg, Alpari live account that is forever tied to the first license...


is it not mad?

they now on ver.23

i only download ver.22, 5 days ago.

WHY not email licensees that new ver rdy???



they full time jokers - no clue how manage project.


some guy in UK is main fap hacker and he was also behind the now [hopefully] dead FACR


FOREVER_DO ( learn on job and rake in moneys and when milked dry 'invent' the newest latest version... and repeat )


look out clickbank, i getting closer to get refund.. ;)