Random Exit problem


I know this sound fubar but it's just and experiment i want to tri out i have the random entry from an EA on here somewhere but I have been trying to create a random exit for both the buy and sell entries.

any suggestions would be good

//| Ïðîâåðêà íà îòêðûòèå ïîçèöèè                                    |
void checkForOpen()
int a = 0;
  // Îòîáðàæàåò 10 ÷èñåë.
  for(int i=0;i<10;i++ )
      a = MathRand();
      if(a > 16383.5)
      // Ñîâåðøàåì ïîêóïêó
        ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,1,Ask,3,0,0,"TestDrawSell",NUM_BUY);
        if (ticket == -1) Alert("Îøèáêà ïðè ñîâåðøåíèè îïåðàöèè ïîêóïêè");
      //Ñîâåðøàåì ïðîäàæó
        ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,1,Bid,3,0,0,"TestDrawBuy",NUM_SELL);
        if (ticket == -1) Alert("Îøèáêà ïðè ñîâåðøåíèè îïåðàöèè ïðîäàæè");
      a = MathRand();
void checkForClose()

int a = 0;

  for(int i=0;i<10;i++ )
      a = MathRand();
      if(a > 16383.5)
     //---- check order type 
         if(ticket == -1) OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Bid,3,Blue);
         if(ticket == -1) OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Ask,3,Red);
      a = MathRand();
kiwi06 wrote >>

I know this sound fubar but it's just and experiment i want to tri out i have the random entry from an EA on here somewhere but I have been trying to create a random exit for both the buy and sell entries.

any suggestions would be good

Right the exit problem is solved but it will not work on multiple pairs. where do i have to look to fixe the problem
