As people still contact me using my contact on previous thread, here I want to put my latest Information.

I am heartnet from MQLPROGRAMMING.

MQLPROGRAMMING is a programming site which specialize in MetaTrader4 (MT4).With several years experience in forex market and programming we are elated to offer you all our excellent programming service.

send us your project to mqlprogramming"at" and we will quote you project :-)

Nothing less but a least please visit our blog to know more about us

Feel free to ask a question here

Looking forward to work with you,



Dear coders,

We now are in search of a professional coder please go here if you interested

Looking forward to work with you,



Here regarding the coder offer.

The offer still valid till I make a post that its end.

Please submit your application and make a post here.



Hello Heartnet
Your advertisement interests me very much.
As you can see from my Profile I have several qualifications for MQL4.
I have been developing A System for 7-8 month alone and now I feel I want to share my load.
Please let me known if there is any possibility to take advantage of our collaboration.
Thank you for your attention and consideration.
Yours sincerely

Hi please follow the link on forexfactory and fill the form.Its a part of policy :-)



p/s:Ive try attach it here but not working

External link following breakes my information systems security rules.
This site is only secure place for me.
Best regards

Dear coders,

Hera I attached the txt file of the form as Ms doc wont work here.

Please fill free to fill the form but copy it in Ms doc first.



Download it then copy it in Ms doc then send to the mail

wrote in the form

mql.txt  2 kb

Regarding looking for MQL coder

This offer will be unvalid 7 days from today.After that we wont receive any application.
For those who already subscribe on the day this offer invalid we will begin evaluation stage

For customers,

Our programming service customer will never expires :-)



This partnering offer still valid as most of the application dont repll.And to those who reply we now evaluating your details :-)




I recently made business with him (Heartnet and Antomi... same guy!). I ask him to code my EA. He will ask you to pay first (wich I did) and then the problem start, no programmer to do the coding (because heartnet say that he is been screwed by someone for 500$. So he asks me more money to pay the programmer (because nobody works for free).

It been more than one month I deal with him and it's the same story, he don't have any money to refund me and no money to pay the programmer to code... so there is no way to solve this.

If you want to read all the story on how he screwed me, I made a blog with all the proof of my saying here: heartnetmqlprogrammingscam.blogspot dot com

It's not my intention to destroy anyone reputation but this guy stole me 115$USD and have no intention to give me my money back.

So you are warn don't do business with him, he is not even a programmer but a middle man.





Yes I am not a programmer but I am not a middle man.I am chief of a company.Do all the members of the company need to be coders?

But I really sorry for you.I will refund you as the coder is not replying me anymore.And I will settle all this.

And I think its not your fault.

Hope this will settled,


p/s:We are still operating with new coder.So hope I can rebuild MQL PROGRAMMING reputations.