Data from Datawindow, how can i get it?


Hello Folks,

i want to get Data from the Datawindow (specielly from an Indicator). I know the Function iCustom() but in my skript it takes to long til the data are back.

I think there shoud be a way to get the data direct from the actually chart or from the data-window.

Sorry for my bad english.

Thanks for your help



fwiw -

'Datawindow' infos for default 'attached' chart to your program, Terminal keeps 11 predefined datums up to date - Predefined Variables and RefreshRates Function

IF want 'other' chart data u can use Timeseries access A group of functions intended for access to price data of any available symbol/period.

and this gives same idea as 'Datawindow' infos for default chart.


iCustom() is how u get indicator data unless u take indicator code and put into your program - maybe as function() or inline code


maybe this give u ideas


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