EA with 2 actions at one tic (?)


Hello, I'm interesting in a problem of EA, that nead to do 2 action simultanisly (like BUY and SELL) at the same TIC.

According to what my EA does, it is impossible.

I need an HELP how to overcome this.

My E. mail is: crossy@bezeqint.net



int start(){

// a tick has started the code

insert buying code

insert selling code

// both buy and sell code is executed on same tick

// where is the problem?



phy wrote >>

int start(){

// a tick has started the code

insert buying code

insert selling code

// both buy and sell code is executed on same tick

// where is the problem?



Thankes for your kind reply, but unfortunatly The EA does the first ordersend() at the

first tic, and the second ordersend() just at the second tic.

Do you think there is a bug ?

second, Is it nececery to have return(0) at the end of int strat() ?

what is the difference between "return" to "return(0)?
