Website links (please read) - page 2


If you have your own website then yes I agree you can promote your Signals nd Markets products ( if you have them ) on your own website and also on sites like Facebook and via twitter,  but you still have to consider what is permitted by Facebook,  twitter and your hosting company.

Just as Metaquotes do not permit advertising on the mql4 and mql5 Forums others may not allow Advertising on their Forums/Sites/Blogs, etc so we all have to check before placing promotional links or messages.

I do understand, what I'm proposing is anchor tex on forum users websites, its all legal as any site owner knows, what I'm doing is finding members who are willing to do this, we would not be placing widgets for our own products, this would be a little silly, we are looking to gain popularity with our sites and being easier to find in the search engines, back links can help this process.


every widget from MQL) that is on any site, gives MQL a back link, making it's popularity grow, we are just capitalizing on this too,


the only product I advertise on my site has to be purchased through MQL, a little dedication from me to MQL would you not agree 


Hi all, just a thought, now MQL is giving us widgets to put on our web sites, we are looking for exposure to the rest of the world, this exposure can be complimented by creating back links on websites to your own, how about we exchange back links with any users on this forum who have a web sites, I for one am willing to put a back link on my site in exchange for a back link on the other, any one willing just let me know, for example, if I were to put a link on another site it would possibly read as a text "Get some Trading Ideas here" the whole piece would have an anchor link to my site, or we could create a partner link portion on our site where any exchanged link would be the url of the other site, let me know, Rob 

EDIT: let me know your thoughts too. 

Maybe the first post was a little confusing, I'm not asking everyone just to put a link soleley to my site, any one interested with a website can place a link to their site from my site, in return, they would agree to put a link from their site to my site

Hi rob,

Are you talking about linkback (trackback, pingback, refback)? Yes, it is simple and good way of the promotion of the websites.

I do not know about your site but as far as I know about this mql5 forum - external links are not recommended to be placed inside this mql5 forum (external links are not prohibited but not recommended :) ). So, if you place some mql5 link to your website - you will not get linkback (link to your website will not be placed to mql5) :) 

Besides, as I remember - there are some tool which are placing linkback automatically (do not remember which one sorry). 

newdigital, Spot on, we would be linking websites out side of MQL, this forum would only bring users in agreement together, linking sites gives better ranking in search engines and makes websites easier to find, being easier to find brings more traffic, more traffic to browse that particular site and find the link to MQL, its all relevant, all who link together create a greater advantage than being individual    
Yes, I understand ... but it may be good to discuss it outside mql5 forum ... because ... as to me so not a problem - if no any external links to websites will be posted here as linkback so - not a problem with this discussion. But people (and moderators) are different by opinions so ... To make it shorter: I do not think that mql5 forum is good place to discuss about it sorry. 
Yes, I understand ... but it may be good to discuss it outside mql5 forum ... because ... as to me so not a problem - if no any external links to websites will be posted here as linkback so - not a problem with this discussion. But people (and moderators) are different by opinions so ... To make it shorter: I do not think that mql5 forum is good place to discuss about it sorry. 

I disagree with the last part ( in a debating manner) we are trying to get others to buy our products, the products available at MQL, if we make money so does MQL and in order for others to use our products they have to register and purchase at MQL, so what we would like to do is create more traffic to our website by what ever means possible, by exchanging links outside of MQL we can have a greater possibility of bringing traffic to our web site, so we post a message asking for anyone interested in doing this to send a PM to let us know they have a website and are willing to exchange links to each other.

In the PM that MQL sent me, they were suggesting I could  create a link on third party websites to my product, so I'm asking on this forum who would like to place a link on my website (a third party website) to their own website which holds a link to MQL, in return, they do the same for me, Please tell me whats the difference? also, before you close me down, can this be put to MQL and have their opinion on this, I think this is a great idea, I've said this before, think a few years back to the individual who thought up the "market" & "signals" at MQL its not just MQL that have fresh ideas, we do too, it would come as no suprise if quite a few present ideas were adopted by MQL from their users. 


Yes, I agree. But in this case - some promotional tools should be created inside mql5 (and/or integrated inside Metatrader 5) which are giving to third party website owners the good possibility to interact with each other if they want to promote mql5 content. We do not have those tools for now. And the only possibility for you now is to communicate by PMs (which is not good choice in general).

You can do it if possible ... But as I said - it may be good to ask Metaquotes to create some special promotional tools for that (in case some third party websites will want to inter-act with each other by promoting mql5 content).