Agents lie dormant - page 2


Green is total work done. Red is work amount on that day.

And after you scroll down a bit, you will see Agents distribution by countries. Roughly it's about 15000 agents online.

May be you are right, but sorry I still don't see where you see that "there are more agents than average daily works/passes" ? Are you supposing red bar are passes and green bar agents ?
The green bar is the cumulative count,  the red bar is what is done each day,  click on any red bar and you will just see the units done each day,  for example 25th Feb was the highest at 5720 units,  from the pie chart below there are  7 829 agents in the Russian federation comprising 43.91% of the total,  thus the total is 17829 agents.
The green bar is the cumulative count,  the red bar is what is done each day,  click on any red bar and you will just see the units done each day,  for example 25th Feb was the highest at 5720 units,  from the pie chart below there are  7 829 agents in the Russian federation comprising 43.91% of the total,  thus the total is 17829 agents.

Green is total work done. Red is work amount on that day.

And after you scroll down a bit, you will see Agents distribution by countries. Roughly it's about 15000 agents online.

Thank you for the clarification. Do you know what represent a unit (Y axis) ? Obviously it's not equal to a pass.

My agents are working each days, I don't know if it is a low quantity or not, but if I can convert units to passes, that would be useful.


Thank you for the clarification. Do you know what represent a unit (Y axis) ? Obviously it's not equal to a pass.

My agents are working each days, I don't know if it is a low quantity or not, but if I can convert units to passes, that would be useful.

From here:

One work unit is equal to one quant that is equivalent to the work of an agent having PR=1 in 1 ms (1 millisecond). Therefore, the price of one quant is as follows: 

QuantPrice=$0,01/(100PR*3 600 000ms)=$2,77778E-11.

MQL5 Cloud Network: Financial Operations Are Launched in Test Mode - MQL4 forum
MQL5 Cloud Network: Financial Operations Are Launched in Test Mode - MQL4 forum

From here:

One work unit is equal to one quant that is equivalent to the work of an agent having PR=1 in 1 ms (1 millisecond). Therefore, the price of one quant is as follows: 

QuantPrice=$0,01/(100PR*3 600 000ms)=$2,77778E-11.

If work unit is a quant then 1 unit on the statistics graphs must be billions of quant, some order of magnitude.

Thats just pay for milliseconds. Don't think about it too much.

All you need to know is that you need to rise PR rating for better results.

You can easily calculate rough PR by just dividing your cpu ghz with 0.02(for intel) or 0.025(for amd).


Thats just pay for milliseconds. Don't think about it too much.

All you need to know is that you need to rise PR rating for better results.

You can easily calculate rough PR by just dividing your cpu ghz with 0.02(for intel) or 0.025(for amd).

You make assumption that "there are more agents than average daily works/passes". But it all depend of what a "Unit" is in the statistics graphs. May be you are right, may be not.

It's obvious that 1 unit in this chart is not 1 pass nor 1 quant.

I just want to understand without making assumptions. May be a question for an admin or Service Desk ?


Why don't you believe me?

From FAQ

Check FAQ for more explanation


Why don't you believe me?

Check FAQ for more explanation

I don't have to believe anything. I don't say you are wrong, I try to understand.

You say "there are more agents than average daily works/passes" to illustrate that "Low quantity of produced work daily", right ? And you point me to statistics (thank you for that, I didn't see those). So, there are 17829 agents (as calculated by RaptorUK). But what is average daily works/passes ? I don't know. I see on the chart there are about 43.200 Units. I ask what a unit is ?

I have read the FAQ et know what you show me in your post above. It allows me to estimate the occupancy of my agents. But what about rate of occupancy of all agents (how much is 'low') ? Legitimate question, isn't it ?

Kindly regards.



But what is average daily works/passes ? I don't know. I see on the chart there are about 43.200 Units. I ask what a unit is ?

I have read the FAQ et know what you show me in your post above. It allows me to estimate the occupancy of my agents. But what about rate of occupancy of all agents (how much is 'low') ? Legitimate question, isn't it ?

Kindly regards.

Sorry, it seems that I have mistakenly thought you. It's all work units.

43.200 Units = 43200 Units cumulative in last 30 days  (Green line)

1433 Units(On avarage)  = Daily work units (Red line)

My subjective theses is that if daily units < agents count  - it means low cloud activity.

Since there is mostly low cloud activity, you better have extremely fast system if you really are interested to progress in agents providing. :)

I used to have 3570k@4.7ghz and now @4.5ghz (had problems with cooling). I would say both speeds still not satisfying my needs.