Current profit on an open position


I feel stupid!! I can not find out how to get the current profit of an open position. tried lots of things like if (OrderSelect(ticket) Print("Profit = ", Profit());

but compiler says Profit function not defined although its in the documentation.

Help Please

Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Trade Constants / Position Properties
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Trade Constants / Position Properties
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Trade Constants / Position Properties - Documentation on MQL5

I feel stupid!! I can not find out how to get the current profit of an open position. tried lots of things like if (OrderSelect(ticket) Print("Profit = ", Profit());

but compiler says Profit function not defined although its in the documentation.

Help Please

There can be no profit on an Order only on a Position. 

Why don't you use PositionGetDouble()  with POSITION_PROFIT  ?


Perhaps you should be using Select()  rather than OrderSelect() ? 


There can be no profit on an Order only on a Position. 

Why don't you use PositionGetDouble()  with POSITION_PROFIT  ?


Perhaps you should be using Select()  rather than OrderSelect() ? 

There you go knew I was stupid lol! thanks


There you go knew I was stupid lol! thanks 

Not stupid at all,  I now know the difference between Select() and OrderSelect() in mql5,  thanks for helping me learn  :-)

That's from standard library.

Use MQL5 function PositionSelect  and then PositionGetDouble with POSITION_PROFIT identifier.

Not stupid at all,  I now know the difference between Select() and OrderSelect() in mql5,  thanks for helping me learn  :-)
Thanks again
Thanks again

That's from standard library.

Use MQL5 function PositionSelect  and then PositionGetDouble with POSITION_PROFIT identifier.

Thanks to you too phi.nuts - I am still finding the switch to MQL5 from 4 difficult - the documentation is not as clear as 4 - not enough examples and loads of what would appear to me as alternative ways of doing things. Thats why i keep getting it wrong