New API MetaTrader 4 AVAILABLE - page 9



I have an integration like this working nicely and tested (not this code). It is done trough an expert, and exposes functionality trough a C++/ Managed C++ to a .NET module. It allows smooth trades management, reports errors, gives real time quotes, etc. Communication is trough TCP, so its fast and reliable.

It will be posted fully free open source as a part of a new open source trading platform (.NET based, it can use MT4 to receive data or perform orders). You can choose to use the platform, or simply a small part of the integration - it is up to you.

If you are interested put your hands up, and I will give you more details. :)

The platform is planned to launch in a few days time (approx. 15.Oct).

Hello peer2k,

I am a huge fan of open source. I am very interested in your project - the details would be much appreciated!



We haven't decided yet how license mode will work, but this trial version is totally free to use for a limited time.

Please, download the version ( ). This version will expire late November.

I am interested in using this as part of an order placement program for MetaTrader. I also do not mind reporting back errors for the beta testing. However, I would need to have some idea of the proposed cost once this goes commercial before I invest time integrating it. Could you please post or email me come clarification as to licensing terms, subscription or pay once and ballpark price. Thank you.



Hello thejoeshmoe

sure thing. The release date got put back a couple of days, but now it is all ready. I will send details to your mail within the next couple of days.

Peer2k, would you be so kind as to email me as well when it is available? email is tremendoni at gmail com

All those interested in the open source solution - you have email.

Peer2k, would you be so kind as to email me as well when it is available? email is tremendoni at gmail com

Hi Peer2k !
I just saw your post on mql forums.I would really like to see your MT4 API and test it a bit, of course if
you are interested.

Kind regards and thank you in advance

my email:


All those interested in the open source solution - you have email.

Hello peer2k,

I would also be very interested in your open source solution. Could you please email me some information?

My email:

Thank you,



Hello thejoeshmoe

sure thing. The release date got put back a couple of days, but now it is all ready. I will send details to your mail within the next couple of days.


can i get a have a more information on your code?



manistra, wolfe

you have e-mail.

netsplit - please post how to contact you (email, messenger) etc.


The link above for version leads to a corrupted zip file? Could you check it please.

I was using a previous version but kept getting handle on login =0 with successive different accounts. Can't do anything with it and need the new version.

Hi andydoc!

Link is doing fine.

Login must be greater than zero. Are you using mql sample?

Kindest regards!


Hi yewnix!

You can take a look on <Program Files>\TradeZone\TZMT4API\Developer\

this simple mql code, close


I'm trying to do this in C#.

I've taken your functions and wrote a dll wrapper for .NET


double askprice = MT4ApiNet.MarketInfo_MT4(h, "GBPUSD", (int)MT4ApiNet.MarketInfoType.MODE_ASK)



I'm trying to get the ASKING price and BID price for a ticker, but not sure which function to use. 

  calllib('mt4', 'TickAddSymbol_MT4', apiH, currencypair);

        strprice = calllib('mt4', 'TickGet_MT4', apiH);

This gives me a price but not sure which one it is. I saw your "MODE_ASK" method but I read in the documents that to use MarketInfo, the last argument must be an INT, but you're using .MODE_ASK? How to go about this? 

Thank you in advance!